I would like to communicate with people age about 55-75 or so if you're out there and are so inclined. I'm battling depression with some bouts of anxiety and have become medically resitant to medication. I am currently getting TMS treatments (neurostar) and feel some optimism. As a wise, strong woman, full of near unbearable handicaps once expressed, "All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming."
Looking for Hope, Meaning and Love - Anxiety and Depre...
Looking for Hope, Meaning and Love

Hi dogginess, I'm in your age range and totally understand. Message me if you'd like to chat x
Hello. I’m 60. Please message me anytime.
Glad you are posting! Yes, I am 60 and understand. Battling "I am not doing enough" is a struggle. I have found some direction through Christian life coaching and counseling. Would you consider either of these? Also, Leslie Vernick's "Lord, I Just Want to Be Happy" gives practical, wise advice on how to overcome our anxieties. You might want to check it out. bit.ly/2HDmMId Blessings and please keep posting.
Hi, Thanks for your response. Yes, I have had over the years quite a bit of Christian counseling, etc. and remain to be active in my church to this day. The pastor is outstanding, down to earth, very bright, etc. Certainly spirituality/one's faith is an integral
part of healing and optimizing wellness.