I’m finally home from 3 weeks in hospital.
I was put in isolation with only nurses and docs who dressed like beekeepers as company. I was allowed no visitors to protect me from outside germs 😢
I can honestly say I went through every part of my brain in that time...
4 blank beige walls with peeling off paint
The ceiling with the flickering lights
Window with the carpark as a view .. “oh thats nice” you must be thinking “at least you were able to people watch”... no! All I saw were loads and loads of visitors for others ... visitors that I wasn’t allowed
It’s the loneliest I’ve ever felt in my life ... I think I analysed my whole life twice over.
Internet hardly worked so I couldn’t even come here 😭
So when I say I missed every single human on here! I REALLY MEAN IT! 💕 I was thinking of you all in my low points... and I hope you’re all doing okay x