I suffer from health anxiety amongst other things. A few months ago I started to experience palpitations on a daily basis. I have saw several cardiologists because of them. I have had several EKG's, several holter monitors, a echocardiogram, a stess test and all came back normal. The problem is I can't accept that nothing is wrong because the constant palpitations has me thinking that there is something wrong that was missed and I wanna keep running to find more cardiologists to re-run the tests. Sometimes it's a thump, why other times it feels like a skipped beat or a drop. Please...is there anyone else who experiences this? If so how do you cope with it? Is there anything that can atleast slow them down? I want them to stop!
What's wrong with my heart? - Anxiety and Depre...
What's wrong with my heart?

I don’t know if what happens to me is the same as what’s going on with you but it might help. I thought I was having heart palpitations but it turns out it was my diaphragm spasming and it would cause my breathing to catch for a second or 2 but it would feel like it was in my chest and that it was my heart skipping beats.
Thank you for the response . How did you find out it was your diaphragm?
I get muscle spasms or twitches a lot when I don’t eat right. I started having them in my chest thinking it was my heart but it doesn’t happen often. I was doing some research of my own because I was curious if it was possible to have muscle spasms in the heart and came across an article. It described my symptoms to a T. When I eat enough magnesium in my diet they stop. I would recommend you talk to a doctor though. I’m no medical professional.
Sorry to jump on this but where do you get twitches? I’ve been getting them in my arms and legs (legs mainly) for three months and I sometimes get them around my middle too. Any suggestions?
I went through the same thing. I went to doctor after doctor after doctor. All the tests were fine. A doctor eventually sat me down and explained to me that it was my anxiety. I know it’s hard to accept that it’s just because of that because your mind wants to convince you that it’s actually something terribly wrong. But try not to think that. Whenever it happens I always say to myself, “it’s just my anxiety” and it would go away.
Hang in there!
Thank you! It is controlling my life 😢😢I am gonna try what you said.
I was going to suggest the same, I have had those and when I go to the ER they tell me it’s just anxiety. During my husbands open heart surgery, I couldn’t stand, I felt like my heart was going to explode. As I was walking out of his hospital room, after the surgery, with a friend she had to hold me up. A couple of nurses saw this and asked if I was okay. I said I think something is wrong with me. So there I went to the ER just a few floors down and they ran test. Came back and said it’s anxiety. Gave me some stuff for it IV and some fluids via IV and I was better. I had to stay in a wheel chair and thank goodness my husband didn’t notice. But that diaphragm spasm thing sounded interesting. Maybe you should check that out too. But don’t give up. Hang in there. It really could just be anxiety or maybe something else. I say keep all options open and check them out, until you find the answer you can accept and get some relief from what you are feeling.
I’ve had them often. At the worst it was 24/7 for over three months. The cardiologist said they’re ectopic beats and caused by stress. I find if I try my best to ignore them, they go quicker.

Thank You.
Sounds familiar. My friend used to go through this. It might be Afib. Look it up.
The EKG is not going to pick it up unless your heart is going through it at that moment.
She's described to me as a palpitation that doesnt stop. It's like an electrical problem in her heart. It might not be this but it's worth a shot to look it up.
If you have to visit 100 heart doctors to get better than do it. We have to be our own advocate these days. Good luck to you.
Try the Val salva maneuver ...bear down like you're having a bm! It puts pressure on the vagus nerve and can stop palpitations. Stroking your arms away from your body is calming too
This forum is priceless, it helps to know that others have been through the same thing. I too have been to cardiologists and doctors and like you they say my heart is fine and that it is anxiety. I wish I had a magic cure for both of us but I have learned to take just one day at a time.