Hiiiii Friends! I went through a very tough time and decided to leave the site; This disease was consuming me around the Holidays and I was in a very bad spot. After much thought, I decided that I should return and be there for my friends and vise versa. You all mean so much to me and I’m happy to be back 💜 I hope everyone is doing well. I am very saddened by the loss of one of our members. My heart goes out to everyone. XOXO
I’m Back and So Thankful for this Site - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m Back and So Thankful for this Site
Welcome back. I hope you feel better now that the holidays are over.
Thanks I appreciate that. I am definitely feeling better but I know now how much this site truly helps. And I absolutely need help ❤️

I read your profile and am sad to see that you're housebound. I've had spells of that over the years, so I can truly sympathize. Feel free to PM me if you'd like.
glad to have you back missed you and was worried about you.happier endings are always better they say.
Awww my Kenster ❤️ You’re so sweet. You know I have such a soft spot for you. Thank you for messaging me too. I finished my profile and saw my first message from you 😍😍😍 It made me really happy
Happy to see you back!! We all need each other. Hugs!!
Michael! I’m glad to be back. And we’ll still text about The Office 😂

I'm watching right now!! 😁😂🤗😢
Welcome back!
We have much in common, you and I.
I too recently deleted my account in the midst of a deep depression. I was isolating and closing doors.
I came back in desperation a few days later knowing that I needed help.
I'm still a work in progress, but I'm still here.
Welcome back. I am grateful to be alive to say that to you.
Wow you’re amazing! You have no idea how much I appreciate you sharing that with me. I am so grateful to be back and I love your energy 💗 If you ever need to chat I’m here! X
I have posted 4 times since I came back. Each time was a cry for help. And I knew it.
I haven't been able to reply to anyone until today as I felt any words I wrote would be empty. How do you offer hope if you have none?
Today Starrlight jarred me out of my gloom just enough to reply. Because I understood her pain. I wanted her to know that I felt it too.
I know we have to share here. Even pain...fear. We all feel it or we wouldn't be here.
And hopefully we can support one another.
Prayers for the fallen member and his family.
Prayers for all of us still fighting.
Know that this week you saved me.
Do not be discouraged.
Do not give up.
Your words matter.
I am not ok. But I am alive.

It’s good to hear from you again I was afraid you might have left us.
And you should know that your words on here do not need to be “hopeful” to bring people hope. Sometimes just seeing that there are others out there going through the same pain can help give us the strength to keep fighting ourselves.

Great to see you my friend. Stay alive. Hugs xx
Omg I’m so sorry. I literally feel the same way. If you ever want to talk totally PM me. Sounds like we could use each other’s helping hand. No matter how bad it gets, there is ALWAYS something to fight for. And I believe there is going to be something extra special for us when this is over. We had to of been chosen for our gifts; our empathy, our real love and caring for others, our gifted imaginations and so much more. I always say I’d rather have this illness and have a kind heart than to live closed up and mean. Because everyone has something inside that causes pain and we chose to deal with it. It can be hell. But we are all in this together. You’re obviously so caring and loving and I want to be here for you and vise versa. Thank you for such a kind comment ❤️
Howdy y'all! Welcome back to the Mariachi Hacienda! We've got your favorite (non-alcoholic) drink ready for ya
I’m new here and grateful for this site. I’m excited about building a group of support like all of you have.
Make sure you don’t leave again..........you’ve been ages..🙂
Welcome back!
Hi good to see you back my friend. I am sorry you have been hurting so much but glad you are feeling a bit better now. The site wasn't the same without you. x
Welcome back.
Resonates with me.
When I’m really bad I tend to isolate and go away from the site...
Good wishes to you 🌺🌺🌺
Thanks Olivia you’re a sweetheart. Let’s try to talk to each other when we want to isolate and go away. I don’t want this for you. I’m sure you don’t want this for me either. But we can do this all of us together.
Thanks Alan I’m looking forward to laughing with you. I miss that so much 💜
Holidays are rough for alot of people, you handled it you're way I respect that. Welcome back