I have a writing group in need of 2 to 6 new members. We meet here on my pm every M-W-F, 7 to 9pm. I am looking for active people who will participate in at least 2 of the 3 meetings weekly. Currently, we are working on a book we're going to attempt to have published. It will feature a collection of the best of our various types of writing + other art too. Secondarily, our group functions as a support group for its members & thirdly, it is a free, method of good, wholesome entertainment for those who participate. The chat line is open 24/7 to any group member who wants to talk on it.....A secondary note is for those who just want a general chat group of 5 to 10 people to talk to. This is a separate type of forum I'm organizing. I already have 2 writing group forums & 1 general chat only group. If you have ideas for other types of small groups, such as musically inclined people + those who like to listen to music, I can start those kinds of groups too. TV + Movie fans is an option for groups of 10 or less that share many of the same interests. Let me know about your ideas or if you're interested in joining such a group.....
Calling All Writers (+Artists Of All ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Calling All Writers (+Artists Of All Kinds)

Hmm, I don't quite understand however getting involved with chit chat, writing maybe I can contribute. I can't draw chit chat about issues(personal issues, journey), tv programs

Our writing groups are separate from thew chit chat only groups. I have open spots in any of the groups I currently oversee. Would you rather be in a writing group or a talk nly group? Writing groups require attendance to its meetings and active participation. Talk groups are completely random and functgion 24/7 as long as there are enough people to talk on them. You can be in both if you meet the minimum requirements for group meetings. What would you like to do?
Probably best for me to check out the chit chat vs joining a committed timed group. My schedule and mind these days hence this site. I'm too scrambled eggs right now, hopefully later and I mean super soon later. Thank you for the quick response. I will try to check out the chat room and am writing posts fir sure for now. Journaling therapy

You are now proud member #9 of 'The Circle Of Friends' forum. When anyone is talking your phone or computer will notify you immediately on your chat button at the top of the page. Just push it, look for the 'type message here' and then hit send when you are done. It's really that easy! Your new friends welcome you!

As of now, there are no am writing groups. I am considering it though. The random chat groups are a 24/7 function. As I said, welcome aboard!
I'm interested. I'm not sure on how good I'd be though

I take it you're interested in a writing group. Can you make 2 of the 3 meetings that M-W-F 7pm to 9pm?

We can coach you on writing and on an active participation in our book. As long as you remain an active member. Active members are required to attend 2 of 3 meetings, M-W-F, 7pm to 9pm. If you are okay with that, we will gladly accept you.
I really don’t quite understand your message fully.... maybe you could give more insight (detail, etc).. BUT, I’m going to share my poem below....that I just wrote:
•My dear, sweet lonely friend, you are not alone,
•For all of your sadness & Pain... we have all known.
•Yes we are all different, but yet we are all the same.
•we’ve all been in this life ‘really’ playing the same game.
• we are the ones that put ourselves last
• maybe that is why some of us never leave our past.
• but I do know one thing that is so very, very clear
• My Heart has opened up alot more, to the people & friends that I have met here
• Because on the days that we may have gloom and dark clouds above
• the lucky ones, in remission, can shower us with their Love
written by: R.... Cocoon
Awesome. Can you make the 2 Of the 3 M-W-F meetings from 7 to 9 pm? I like your poem and you would be a good fit. If the answer is yes, I will add your name to our writing group immediately!
Sure... I love that type of therapeutic methods!! .....So how will that work ? I’m not familiar, at all, with group messaging, in any type of way. Will it be that you private message me on those days & when I reply I will be automatically joined with the entire group that is participating ?
Nope. I'm gonna add you right now. Whenever anyone is on the site, you will get a notice on the chat symbol at the top right of your page. A number will appear there telling you how many people are on at that moment. All you have to do is tap the chat button and then look at the bottom of the page. underneath the current message you wiil seea box that says, 'write message'. Benath that is a blue box that says 'send'. Just type your message and hit send. You can start conversing immediately!
I’m interested in [ Mondays and Wednesdays ] — & that may change later on to say Mondays and Fridays
That works just fine you are now in and I'm gonna send you a message.
Okay. Your chat button should show a 1. Tap the chat button and it will take you to my message. Below my message is a place for you to respond. After you type your response, hit the blue send button. I will get your message immediately and reply.
Sorry, that is the top left of your page. I'm pretty tired myself right now. There should be a number 1 over the chat symbol next to the 'my hub' icon. Tap it. Then message me. The rest of my explanation was accurate. I hope to hear from you right away.
I am a writer, but this would be difficult because I only have internet on my phone. I would be interested in a movie group, though.
I keep trying to respond, but it gets deleted. Maybe this one will make it through. I am interested in your circle group, so you can sign me up
Alright, I'll sign you up later today. Thanks for your interest.
My pleasure!
I haven't forgot you. I'm currently queryiing others to see if they want to join right away. You & Liins345 are the only ones in that group so far. Until we have 4 or 5 names, the group won't go active. You'll know when it does because you'll start getting chat notices for it. Okay?
Will there be food provided? 😏😏😏 hehe just kidding I’m no good at writing.

Don't need to be a writer. Wanna learn how? Just show up to our meetings and we'll share all of our love and comradery with you. Okay?
Hi, JEG325 I do a lot of journaling but I'm not sure if I would be a great candidate for writing but I am interested in trying if possible. I have interests in painting ceramics, art in general, and old/Muscle cars, drag racing. I wouldn't mind sharing any of my experiences with a small group.
Our group is just 4 hearty writers w/various types of art experience. if you can attend 2 of 3 weekly meetings (meetings are M-W-F 7 to 9pm USA EST) you may join. Next meeting is Monday at 7pm EST. I will send you a reminder if you wish to join. We'll look forward to hearing from you!
I could do all three meetings but Monday and Wednesday's I have to leave my house around 8:40 pm to pick up my daughter from work.
Okay, I can be online the whole time. I just figured out our time difference and all is good to go. I am in!!
Excellent! We've had so much trouble trying to get people to attend meetings, that our group has remained at 4 for a long time. We would love to have another active member! Welcome aboard. I will send you a reminder right before the meeting. My other 3 friends will be super happy to meet you!
Cool beans! I just hope I fit well with your group.
You will. We are awesomely easy to get along with. Anna, Sue and I are very active and gel well with everyone. Nan is also much beloved but, is from California where she runs a ranch and is quite active. She attends whenever she can. Even if you only meet us 3 most active people, we will answer all your questions and personally welcome you aboard....You can also join other talk only charlines that I have. Circle Of Friends 4 is still taking members and would welcome you with open arms. If you like to talk alot, COF 3, would welcome you also. As always, that last thing is completely your call too!
I would love to read some of your poems. Don’t want to put you out though. It’s hard for me to read a book because of my anxiety. I’ve always enjoyed poems.
I’m sorry I’m not always the most text savvy. I have a yahoo email, but I’m not sure how to pm you on here. The yahoo address is Mjohusted@yahoo.com 😏
To pm me tap the chat button. When the page comes up you'll see a compose button in the right corner. Tap that and 2 boxes come up. The first box is username- who you're sending the message to. In there type my username JEG325. It'll show my avatar so, click onto to that. It'll put that in the username box. Below that where is says 'message', type what you want to say to me. When you're done, hit the send button and your message will go right to me! My responses will cause the chat button to light up each time. Tap the chat button and it'll come up with our chat page. If more than one thing shows, click onto our chat page and it will take you directly there. I hope this helps....
Yep, we still are. I've asked 3 additional people to join but, nary a one has shown up for a writing meeting yet! They are M-W-F from 7 to 9 pm EST time. We require attendance at 2 of 3 weekly meetings unless I cancel them due to lack of participation. Our core group of 4 are friendly, sweet people who love to write. We'd also love another active member who likes swapping poems, ideas, chit chat and will help us with our projects. If you're game, there's a meeting Monday. I can add your username to the list and invite you when 7pm rolls around. What says you?
It's 6:43am here. What time is it where you are?
We write essays & short stories too....
Okay, it's bedtime for me. we'll finish this later.....You're in for tbe next meeting. Okay?
You are 5 hours ahead. Our meetings would run from midnight to 2am your time. Are you okay with that?
I am a writer but lack motivation the last few years. I have one book self-published and wrote editorials, articles, and interviews before I retired for a Christian magazine. Maybe I could be a part of the group. I have lost people on here, so hope I can get back to this post.
Why does this say two years ago? Is it still active? It just came through?