Looking at my 5 year old reflection between the rippling waves of the water as I smile and take that dive!
The dive we’ve all experienced trying to go deep enough to touch the sand at the very bottom and make it back up in time. Risk living my 5 year old self would smirk and say.
Gliding through the water like scissors perfectly cutting through paper and almost reaching my goal I suddenly stop.
I float now like a star in the galaxy. Unable to control where I am.
Thinking these waters could not get deeper and looking towards my tiny ankles being entangled with the seaweeds, pulled deeper and deeper into the black abyss that is the drop off. The lower than low. The beneath rock bottom.
Ripples in the water gone.
Non existent.
It’s as if I am screaming and clawing and no one on the other side of this glass.. this water.. can REALLY see these monsters or help me.