I eat one meal a day and never saw it as a problem cause I've been doing it for quite some time now. I feel depressed quite often and have anxiety I don't think that's related to it i don't know cause I feel ok with eating one meal a day I don't feel bad or anything so idk is it bad that I do that?
Is it bad to eat one meal a day? - Anxiety and Depre...
Is it bad to eat one meal a day?

I'm not a doctor, but I used to do this and looking back on it, I wish I never did. Though not the cause, a poor diet certainly doesn't help with either anxiety or depression. Eating small meals throughout the day, I've found, has helped me feel considerably better. My energy levels are up and I sleep better, too. When the depression hits, I find, I feel far better equipped to handle it. Again, diet isn't the be-all end-all solution in dealing with depression, but improving my eating habits has certainly helped me.
I have eaten just one meal a day, but it was not enough for me, I find it better to eat two meals a day and snack on fruit and veg. in between as it was pointed out to me, it is better to eat 3 meals (only small is good) with little snacks to keep the brain fed, it needs to be fed also. So feed your body and brain, cause they need it. I wish you well, and say listen to your body, it will tell you what it wants. Good luck.......Sprinkle 1..........
Thanks for the response During high school I never ate breakfast and never ate at lunch in school because of my anxiety I thought people would look at me and I would feel extremely awkward so I didn't eat and then I used to eat one meal when I came home because then it was night soon after that then I used to go to sleep so I don't know if it's because of that that I am used to eating one meal or I feel depressed cause I have been lately but ive just always seemed to eat one meal so I don't know the reason but I will eat more.
I understand how you feel, I am not hungry when I get up so I do not eat breakfast, I eat when I get hungry. I snack in between. Believe me, people are not watching you, they are too busy with what they are doing, so please do not let that interfere with your diet, the body needs to be taken care of, food feeds the body and the mind, we have to be sharp to handle each day. I wish you well and hope you will find balance in your eating plan. With love n hugs.......Sprinkle 1........
No, the body needs fuel to function properly. They are finding that certain vitamins deficiencies can exaggerate some mental health issues. I can’t judge, when I’m at my most anxious I am not hungry at all and go days without eating if I’m not careful. At the very least if I know I’m having a rough time with food and if I’m getting nauseated from eating because I’m anxious I’ll make myself protein shakes to get some calories and vitamins in me.
Actually its not bad at all. Its a form of fasting and is great for the body but make sure what you are eating is nourishing to your body. Protein, healthy fats, ect
Completely wrong as this isn't fasting but starving your body on a daily basis. Fasting refers to cutting down intermittently maybe once or twice a week at the most. Fasting isn't eating just one meal a day. Dogs eat once a day, cats twice, and humans 3 times. This is how we are built.
No do your research there are many forms of fasting but if the body is still growing(teens) its not recommended
You need to do your research! Not all fasting is good or healthy. Eating once a day causes low blood sugar. It also causes your metabalism to slow right down so you will put on weight more easily. Also your natural stomach acids have nothing to work on so you can end up with an ulcer.
There are no benefits to eating only once a day.
Hi it's not bad in that sense but it is very unwise! I don't know why you do this but if it is to lose weight it is the worst thing you can do, as starving your body all day sends it into starvation mode and your metabalism will lower itself in at attempt to hang on to calories thus defeating the object.
I had a work colleague once who did this even though we kept telling her it was unhealthy. One day she started getting stomach pains and the doctor told her she was developing an ulcer due to the stomach acid having no food to work on so instead it was damaging her gut, She was told to eat 3 times a day in future to prevent this.
Also if you allow your blood sugar level to fall so low you are at risk of developing diabetes and all sorts of other problems. So do yourself a favour and eat 3 times a day! x
I would not say it is bad, it is just not healthy to eat once a day unless you are having healthy snacks in between. The body and the brain needs to be fed, and I am sure our brains that suffer with anxiety/depression need nutrition to function properly. We must do our best to love ourselves so that we can get well. I wish you well and send you love n hugs......Sprinkle 1.....
Thanks for being so transparent about your concern about eating. Often when we are asking advice in a specific area, there is this small inner voice which is telling us to change. Seeing a nutritionist and getting some blood work done might be helpful to determine what is best for you. In the past, my annual physical revealed I was anemic and the doctor recommended I eat red meat twice a week. Within a month, I was feeling much better. What other areas might be contributing to your anxiety? Sleep, exercise, praying, and socializing without going overboard all help me to maintain a balanced, heathy body, mind, and spirit. Praying for you to find your balance today. Blessings, my friend!