It feels like I have no one, and I’m all alone. Nobody sees how hard I’m trying to continue to fight for my life. I’m getting to the point were I want to give up. I have no one to talk to about it & I don’t know what to do anymore.
Nobody knows : It feels like I have no... - Anxiety and Depre...
Nobody knows

I just want you to know I'm here for you. Please don't give up, be a warrior, fight the good fight for you. You can do this, I've been doing it for mostly my entire life, it can get better but you have to put the hard work in. Love, peace, light, joy & hugs!
It’s just so hard, I’ve been alone what seems like my entire life. No one knows the real me, and it sucks it feel like I’m surrounded by so many people & no one notices how not okay I am. Everyone comes to me with their problems but when I try to talk to them about mines, they say it’s not that deep, I’ll get over it, I’m overthinking. It just really sucks.
I’m so sorry for how you feel.
I have felt like that, it’s a horrible feeling.
There are a lot of us here who it will resonate with..
I agree with anxiety_59 it can improve, and it does take hard work ..lots of research on what’s available in your area...I’ve mostly drawn blanks but I keep trying..yesterday was a bad day for me..sometimes like you say people let us down, it’s a bit of a rat race, and people just don’t seem to have time ..I had a big experience with this yesterday and it really hurt me. I felt so let down and like a convenience ...I’m keeping the hope, and I know there are some who are kind and have time...
I’m keeping the hope that things change for us all...and we can feel different and I do believe it can happen...
Sending kind wishes your way 🌺🌼🌺🌼 xx

Thank you so much! Yes it sucks poop & I hate feeling like this. I hate feeling like I don’t matter. Some days are better than others; but when it rains it pours and unfortunately today was one of those days. I wish you the best of luck & nothing but happiness💗💗💗
Things can change and some days can be better, yesterday was a bad day for me. That’s not to say today something may happen and make the day better...keep the hope...
I wish lots of nice things for you..
🌺🌸🌺🌸 x
Hi NikaWade, I've mentioned this a few times here so I'm going to say it to you too. Recently I hit so so low I thought the only option to escape was to take my life . Do I thought stuff it , if I'm going to do that anyway I may as well try something. So what I did, which is very unlike me , I told everyone who I thought would care , just how bad a state I was in . I told them I just didn't want to live , I called my mum who got me straight to doctor who put me on antidepressants. I didn't beat around the bush, I told my friends at church and even my boss ( who's given me time off) I told anyone I thought loved me . Last time I got depression I quietly mentioned it to people expecting help but I don't think I was clear enough. Ask them boldly if you get very low can you call them for love and encouragement. It actually worked for me and I'm on the mend , still having really bad days but not as bad as when the depression first hit me . I wonder if we aren't vocal enough in case of embarrassment or rejection but trust me , some people will say absolutely, we didn't know how bad you were and they'll be there. Especially family. I think it's worth a try, he Brave and in no uncertain terms tell them exactly how you feel amd you need people love and care desperately. Much love and understanding to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for taking the time out to chat with me ! It means a lot !
Hang in there, things can always change. I'm here for you. Love, peace, light, joy & hugs!

Thank you so much!
My pleasure, if you need me I'm here for you. Love, peace, light, joy & hugs!
What exactly do you see as a problem in your life? Honestly. Please give us more than "I feel bad".
Could have written your post myself. I hear your pain and loneliness, I've been there. All friendships and relationships start somewhere. Have you tried contacting people you know or join a support group. Also I've just had a huge break down; hit rock bottom hard and fast , didn't want to live anymore, at the moment it's up and down every day but at least I get a break from the cruelty of depression. When I felt myself going down I told anyone and everyone I thought loved and cared for me , and I told them how bad I was, I thought stuff it , I will do what it takes to get better, there was no room for embarrassment, which isn't like me at all, normally I hide away .I'd rather be a little embarrassed, which I'm not really , than stay in that deppresive state. I didn't hold back and said I desperately need help and those who care about me and just plain good people came to my aid , I don't regret it for a second, it's kept me going and possibly alive. It's never too late to do that, tell family and friends you are desperately lonely and desperately need to feel loved. That's for all those out there suffering: Give it a ho if you don't know what else to do , you never know what will happen, and you might even have people say they feel the same way , so many people do. Lots of love to you , you're not alone , we're all in this together, I love this website!!! Oh and get to a doctor if you can, my medication is really working and don't regret it for a second, who cares? Whatever it takes to get myself better I'll do . So much love to you , you're being thought of ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️