Speaking of medications.... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Speaking of medications....

Timmypliskin profile image
16 Replies

Was wondering what medications have worked for anyone out there?

Any informatim would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.

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Timmypliskin profile image
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16 Replies
rach1402 profile image

Everyone is different and it depends on what's causing your issues and how each individual responds to different medications. I find Sertraline effective for my anxiety, which has been a problem for as long as I can remember. It's supposed to treat depression as well but I don't find it does much for me in that department, although for me depression comes and goes so unless I'm having a very severe episode it's probably not as much of a priority to treat the depression as it is to manage my anxiety. But that's just me personally and some people respond better to therapy than medication. In my case my anxiety and depression are related to other health problems I have and caused by a chemical imbalance, that's why medication is the best course of treatment for me. There's nothing wrong with listening to other people's experiences and opinions but that's no substitute for the advice of a fully qualified and experienced medical professional so I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor who has experience of treating people with the same or similar issues as you. I hope you find an effective treatment that is right for you, sending good vibes your way x

Timmypliskin profile image
Timmypliskin in reply to rach1402

Thank you very much.

I do have a appointment this week with a psychiatrist, I deal primarily with anxiety as well. Wich has really peaked the last 6 weeks or so.

Just curious about other people's experiences.

Thanks again for sharing yours.

rach1402 profile image
rach1402 in reply to Timmypliskin

No problem, glad if I can help 😊 do you know if anything in particular has triggered your recent episode of increased anxiety?

Timmypliskin profile image
Timmypliskin in reply to rach1402

Have allot of health anxiety.

Was having some dizziness... and bern to the doctor. ER, back to the doctor, also been thru several meds for blood pressure recently, some with bad side effects... all kicked in my anxiety to overdrive, wich has for my stomach messed up. Wich has mad the anxiety worse...

And so on

Thanks again

rach1402 profile image
rach1402 in reply to Timmypliskin

Oh dear, sounds like a vicious cycle. Good thing you've got an appointment with your psychiatrist soon. I'm sure they'll be able to find something that helps you. It might take a bit of trial and error but if you persevere with the treatment plan they provide you with you'll get there. We're always here for you any time you need to talk x

BlueGirl119 profile image

I’ve become a walking encyclopedia of psych medications. I tried everything before I found the right combo. Depending on your issues and symptoms, you might want to ask your psychiatrist to start with a benzodiazepine (there are many of them and they start to work right away) and an SSRI (which is an antidepressant, but many of them have been found to work for anxiety). SSRIs take about a month to reach their full efficacy. Benzos are addictive and are considered controlled substances. SSRIs are not, BUT I’d still ask your doctor about the process of withdrawing from both.... especially, if you think you might just be reacting to something on a temporary basis.

I’m in this for life. I’ve seen good and bad withdrawals for both of these drugs in lots of people. My best advice is to be very open and communicative with your doctor. Don’t be afraid to switch if things don’t feel right. Good luck!😊

Timmypliskin profile image
Timmypliskin in reply to BlueGirl119

Thanks for your time, and information,

I am open to trying whatever it takes to help with the issues.

The last time I was at my pc doctor. He gave me a prescription for x anax, and I've been taking very low dose just to make it till my up coming appt.

It does help to take the edge off.

I've had anxiety issues for many, many years, but never this severe, and long lasting.

I believe I need to be on something long lasting, and I understand that most take weeks to take proper effect.

Any and all information, thoughts, experiences. are greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.

Overwithit profile image

I need help. I feel like I am on one long panic attack. I am seeing a doctor that put me on several different antidepressants, on the 4th one now - Amitriptyline. She raised it from 75mg to 100mg and that started the panic. Even went to the hospital - thought I was having a heart attack. So, she lowered the Amitriptyline to 75mg again and it is not helping at all. I think she is going to give up on me when I call her tomorrow - Monday. Then I don’t know what to do or where to go. This has been going on way too long. I don’t know what to do. Has anyone else gone through so many medications that have not worked? I’m very scared right now.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Overwithit

I'm not too sure that increasing the amitriptyline caused the panic attacks to start specially as they continue even though you've reduced the dosage.

Twenty years ago I found amitriptyline very effective in relieving anxiety disorder of the 'retiring to a darkened room and not coming out' type. 75mg in divided doses was quite sufficient. It's a 1960s medication so no nasty surprises are likely. It went out of fashion when Prozac came along but has now gained a second wind because of its minimal side effects.

The other medication I think is wrongly demonised is diazepam/Valium. It gives instant relief from anxiety and although its effective life is about 4 hours it often nips anxiety feelings in the bud so even when the effectiveness wears off the benefit is maintained.

In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s GPs were handing them out like Smarties/M&Ms and it was found they were addictive. But tell me one mind bending med that isn't. So long as you taper down the dosage slowly when coming off it I don't believe there's a special problem with valium. But somehow the medical profession started treating it as if it was a mixture of cyanide and rat poison and many refused to prescribe it and still do.

Nothing gives such immediate relief as Valium does, it's much faster than xanax: it's ideal to be used only as needed (as for panic attacks for example) or continuously for a maximum of a few weeks and then tapered off.

It was originally derived from the rawawulfa root that has been used in herbal meficine in India for a thousand years. Mahatma Ghandi started each morning with a porridge made of grated rawawulfa root, no wonder he was such a 'peaceful' saintly guy.

Amytriptyline became less effective for me after about 3 years but it was a life belt. Valium I still take when necessary: I get 50x5mg tablets a year and break them in half because 2 to 2.5mg is quite sufficient. I've been taking them for 35 years with no side effects. They are magic.

How long have you been taking the amitriptyline, it takes a good month to fully kick in?

Overwithit profile image
Overwithit in reply to Jeff1943

Thanks Jeff for your reply. I don’t know why the Amitriptyline has been such a problem for me. I have a feeling my doctor would not give me Valium which I certainly could use on days like this.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Overwithit

You have to begin your request for 'a small prescription of diazepam' by saying how you know that it must only be taken occasionally and are mindful of its addictive nature and consider you would be a responsible user etc etc Good luck. Failing that Xanax is a good alternative and considered less demonic than diazepam.

Overwithit profile image
Overwithit in reply to Jeff1943

Thank you Jeff,

I will see what happens tomorrow.

Timmypliskin profile image

From what I've seen, and read, and been told, it can sometimes take some time to find the correct medication...

I know I have severe medication anxiety...

What were the others that you tried.?

I know some can make you feel worse, before better...

Always good to talk to people who are going thru the same thing.

I've been having constant anxiety for weeks now..

Your not alone in this.

Overwithit profile image
Overwithit in reply to Timmypliskin

Lexapro was one, I can’t think of the other but it could cause a severe rash, and one other that caused me to have trouble breathing. I am sorry to be so vague but I am not thinking clearly at this time. I will ask the doctor for Valium - that might help for the panic attacks.

Overwithit profile image

One of them was Lamotrigine

Overwithit profile image

How do you make it through the anxiety attacks. They are just as bad as panic attacks only they last longer? Thanks for replying.

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