Just a note: I just wanted to say how... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Just a note

26 Replies

I just wanted to say how tired I am of rude people. I am talking about strangers we meet on the way in our daily lives. Strangers are still supposed to be nice to one another, aren’t they? I know good people are out there too but also a lot of the mean ones. Arrogance, self-importance, materialism, individualism and lack of kindness sometimes gets the best of me.

That’s all. Thank you for letting me vent. Feel better now.

26 Replies
Agora1 profile image

I agree with you Photo50 in that in a perfect world strangers would respect one another by being nice to everyone. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. We never

know what is going on in their lives that makes them lash out at the first person they meet. I try to embrace the number of good people out there, maybe far and few between but they do exist :)

I seem to find the nicest people when I'm grocery shopping. From a smile to helping me get a can off a shelf that I couldn't reach or just plain talking about a price or product of a food item. Yesterday in the middle of shopping, an elderly woman came up to me and complimented me on my hair. I smiled back knowing she was probably a lonely senior

just needing some human contact. As we passed each other up and down the aisles, she

had something to say each time until she said "I feel I know you and should invite you for coffee". She then disappeared and I continued on hoping she knew what a positive spot she made in my day. Hope I did as well for her.

It takes just as much energy to say something negative to someone as it does to smile and

be kind. Thanks for sharing your post Photo50, and opening our eyes. :) xx

Agora1, you are very right and I love when pleasant interactions like the one you had happen to me. I tend to be even more appreciative of those now, because of the bad ones. It’s just that sometimes I get really upset... buy venting helps. 😊

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Oh I agree, I've mumbled under my breath a few times at the inconsiderate ones :)

I'm glad you vented, we all need that from time to time.

Make it a great day my friend. I care xx

in reply to Agora1

I know you do, dear. It shows. Thank you so much for making a difference on how my day goes. 🌼

Rbolty profile image

I know exactly how you feel! Not sure where you live but here in south Florida most everyone is rude everywhere you go. It sux!!

in reply to Rbolty

Central Florida! lol

Rbolty profile image
Rbolty in reply to

Lol! Exactly !

in reply to Rbolty

Anybody from North Florida with a different experience to save the state? lol

Rbolty profile image
Rbolty in reply to

Good one!!

People here are so cold and obnoxious.

in reply to

Florida too?

in reply to


gogogirl profile image

Personally, I think it's not just the geography ( Northeast) but what is going on in politics as well as the effects of the ongoing recession. So.... unless in a particular area people were nice before then....? Interesting article I read once - that some of the happiest people in the world are in get this? Sardinia , Italy- multiple generations of people with roots that go back over one thousand years sharing common goals. Perhaps if people shared more, and realized that we and the animals and the plants all share this planet we would have more respect.

in reply to gogogirl

Agree 100%. It’s a bigger picture, I know...

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to

Have you read the book Tribe? It's written by Sebastian Junger ( of the Perfect Storm) and talks about the detribalization of society which lead to the recession, the banksters, and authoritarianism. When people stick together, the corruption lessons. Personally, I think a lot of society went downhill ( I am older) when Walmart started putting mom and pop stores out of business, and people started substituting e mails and texts for face to face communication. This site is helpful, and there are a lot of good people here, but it does not take the place of personal communication. Human population increasing has also lead to overdevelopment, devaluing, inequality, and overcompetition. et al. Spoke my mind. Thanks for writing.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to gogogirl

Let me know what you think about Tribe- I really liked it. Junger lives in Gloucestor, Mass.

rach1402 profile image
rach1402 in reply to gogogirl

Let's start a hippy commune ✌💞💐🌸🌺🌻🌼🌷

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to rach1402

How old are U? I remember when that was popular!

rach1402 profile image
rach1402 in reply to gogogirl

I'm 37 but I still like the concept 😂

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to rach1402

I was there with the real thing- but glad you like the "concept."

rach1402 profile image
rach1402 in reply to gogogirl

I bet you've got some stories to tell! I know it's more than just a concept, it must have been such a vibrant life, just a concept to people too young to have experienced it though x

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to rach1402

Well yes- great music and activism- but please remember there was lots of civil unrest, as well as war in Viet Nam was raging. Thank you though.

rach1402 profile image
rach1402 in reply to gogogirl

I must have been watching Austin Powers movies too much! It must be time to have the 2nd reign of the hippies though. The world needs a bit of love right now ✌💚

I will check it out, thank you for sharing! There are a lot of imbalances in the world, just as much as the imbalances we personally face with anxiety...

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to

I find that volunteering for a cause ( like animals) can help empower, and one meets such nice people as well. Anxiety is actually anthropologically part of who we are. Without it we would not sense danger as in the old old days people have to protect themselves from the elements and wild animals. Today we have other " off " outlets for anxiety or possibly not enough because so many "comforts" have been added to life. Sometimes when people feel most alive and less anxious is when we are outside in the elements and digging in the dirt. I read somewhere that when anxiety goes off the rails so to speak , then it's called a "disorder." Some say that it's also a response ( like PTSD) to a trauma that already happened, and people are trying to readjust.

in reply to gogogirl

True, volunteering does help a lot. Thanks for your input, nice food for thought...

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