Had a tough day today: anxiety was pretty bad till about 2p.m. Now is evening and i feel much better. I hope it will not be as this tomorrow. Just venting. I hope you, guys, having a good weekend!
Difficult saturday: Had a tough day... - Anxiety and Depre...
Difficult saturday

Hi morenews, so typical for anxiety to ruin half the day and then miraculously start winding down midafternoon and evening. Think positive about tomorrow, enjoy your evening and know that you are not alone in feeling like this. xx
Thank you, Agora. Responding in the morning. It is better morning today. Thank God! Please think about me tomorrow: I have a difficult life test tomorrow and my yesterday anxiety was connected to that. But this morning I started with a nice walk so it helped me not to fall into yesterday hole.
Have a very nice and peaceful day.
morenews, I am so glad that today started on a positive note. I certainly will keep you in my thoughts tomorrow. You've got the power within yourself to handle any challenges life may throw your way. Believe in that. Doing some meditation/relaxation and deep breathing before bed tonight, may help put your mind in a positive zone.
Keep telling yourself tomorrow..."I've got this". Breathe xx
Glad you're feeling better 😊 Next time anxiety comes to visit you, just tell it that it won't be there for long and you'd like it to leave ASAP. 👍
Yes, thank you, it is another morning and I feel much better. Please think about me tomorrow because I will have a life test...and my yesterday was connected to that.
Thank you for your advice.
vent away.... I'm glad to hear you came out of the other side of the anxiety....that is hope and strength for many who think there is no coming out of this stuff.
O yes, there is hope and there are ways ... but yesterday did not seem to work. Today is better. Thank you for your support.
glad your sharing about it here.... and that's the magic.... others who understand our stuff... and who can relate....
Yes, it is a magic. I have a wonderful husband ...but he is very helpless to help me out when i am in anxiety state. I feel lonely in those moments, but on the other hand have to help myself.
I understand that too....my partner is clueless about my over thinking things and why I get upset at personal slights towards me....they just blow all that off, never dwell in the past and don't understand why I would get upset about stuff....but at least they are supportive....but no....they don't know what to do either, thankfully we have our friends here morenews....
How are you feeling today? I hope better!
Thank you,yes much better. I am trying to spend time today with people who I love and with activities which I enjoy... and it is helping. I hope you have a joyful day today?
I too had a tough Sunday. I'm glad you feel better and hope you continue to. I'll pray for us and everyone struggling. Stay strong and take care 😇