Anxiety has woke me up again and as usual I feel awful and I just can’t shake this feeling off
Anxiety: Anxiety has woke me up again... - Anxiety and Depre...

Try to take few deep breaths and relax I know the feeling this also happens to me. I’m up also trying to do the same. If you need to you can message me
Breathing exercise..
Gently and slowly inhale a normal amount of air through your nose, filling only your lower lungs toward your belly your stomach will expand while your upper chest remains still. (When you fill your lower lungs with air, the lungs push down on the diaphragm and cause your abdominal region to protrude.) Your stomach looks as though it is expanding and contracting with each diaphragmatic breath. Hold your breath to the count of three. Exhale slowly through pursed lips, while you relax all muscles and changing your negative thoughts
True, just try breathing slowly, change your sleeping position or read a few pages to tire your eyes.
Anxiety is a persistent devil isn't it? Waking or sleeping it seems to lurk and never wants to leave us alone! Sorry that you are suffering with this! Breathing techniques are definitely great tools, I also will do a quick 10 minute bedtime relaxation yoga video (great ones can be found on Youtube) that you can do right in bed. I find it helps me to calm myself by engaging not just my mind to control my breathing but my body as a whole. Nurturing and loving myself in a way that helps me to refocus my thoughts- to take them captive and replace the negative with positive. I have to mindfully choose to think on what is pure, right and lovely. Wishing you the best and that you find what works just for you!
I totally get it. My panic attacks hit while sleeping 99% of the time. I had 2 bad ones last night im having a hard time shaking. My brain was convinced i was going to die :(. Of course i was dragging all day from lack of sleep and now im afraid to go to sleep tonight, but have to work 12 hours tomorrow. It sucks and i hope a cure is found for it someday
When you wake up anxious do you ever have or feel acidy?
Not really, I don’t think so anyway but I usually don’t pay much attention too anything because I’m too busy being anxious