I need a job want a job but it's very hard finding one that would suit me in my current situation, my mental state and physical. I feel so worthless and weak because I can't keep a job due to my situations either the jobs are stressful or I don't feel good most of the time so I have to quit soon after. I just don't know what else to do or where to turn. I am tired of not being able to get what we need at times. U need money to buy food etc it makes me more depressed when I can't buy what we need.
Another sleepless night in Ga - Anxiety and Depre...
Another sleepless night in Ga

What about work as a carer?that can be very rewarding and makes you feel useful and appreciated?

I used to work in the medical field as a cna I stopped in 2008 because it's a stressful job but I do like helping others I just need to find job that's not so stressful. I did go back to school I have A bachelor's degree in addiction counseling so I'll see but my health hasn't been good the last 4yrs that's y I'm not able to do what I need to
I and many here have worked at call centers, also I applied to every temp agency I could....often these temp jobs can lead into full time employment.
Hi! I know that working with children can be fulfilling. It helps to get hugs and have someone tell you that you are wonderful. Also, I feel that when I am upset or depressed it helps to go to church and be around people who will pray for me. Try it! It might be just what you need!