I need a job want a job but it's very hard finding one that would suit me in my current situation, my mental state and physical. I feel so worthless and weak because I can't keep a job due to my situations either the jobs are stressful or I don't feel good most of the time so I have to quit soon after. I just don't know what else to do or where to turn. I am tired of not being able to get what we need at times. U need money to buy food etc it makes me more depressed when I can't buy what we need.
Another sleepless night in Ga - Anxiety and Depre...
Another sleepless night in Ga

Keep trying! Focus only on the positive aspects of whatever you’re doing. Just focus on your job. You may have to take a lesser job until you find the job you desire. My husband is out of a job right now and I have suggested the same thing to him without much success! Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to put food on the table! I understand your frustration. Keep at it, my friend, and you will find a way! You’re smart and capable...focus on that!! 🌺🙂🌺

Hi I have taken jobs like that, retail jobs which I hate can not deal with that type of job at all. So I'm trying to find something that's not so crazy and stressful. Just don't know what to seek I'm lost
Hi Darknlovely504!
Keep working on it and it will all come together for you! I say this soo much, but think positively even when you think you can’t! You’re not lost, my friend! Just breathe and relax! You’ve got this! Message me anytime for a pep talk! Hahaha...so hard for me to commiserate, but it does happen. Wishing you all that’s good...💐🙂💐
Hi, I'm sorry to hear your struggles. It's hard, really hard to find that perfect job. I am starting to believe that it's a unicorn. We want to believe it exists somewhere and we search for it, but it really doesn't exist. I really am beginning to believe that a perfect job isn't something out there, but it's something that we make happen. We take a job that we may not like, even hate, but we begin to grow into it.
Are you currently working? If you are, I want to encourage you to hang on to it. All jobs are stressful, but we need to work & work hard to pay our bills. I know stress at work places. I go in to a completely chaotic work place for long hours. I was tempted to quit, to even walk out many sometimes, but I stuck to it. I was stressed with my demoralized coworkers and hated going to work. My friends and family told me to quit and I had every reason to. But, I didn't quit. I began to pay attention to what really upset me and kept me in a vicious cycle. I realized that this place actually helped expose the brokenness in my heart. It showed me that I was hostage to my fear. I was afraid of what others thought about me, so I was afraid to ask questions or to ask for help. I didn't want to be inconvenienced and I was upset that I was constantly interrupted. I was anxious and it made me testy & short tempered. I was very critical and rushed. I began to think hard about myself, rather than just blaming my work environment. And I started to work on those issues in my heart, one at a time. With much prayer, I began to change. My attitude has changed and I have grown quite a bit. I guess maturity is the word. My work is more stressful than ever, but I am doing well
I understand your struggles. It's not easy. But, I want to encourage you to hold on to the job. It may hurt you to stay there, but not all pain and suffering are evil and bad. Like you have symptoms when you are sick, so pay attention to what makes you hurt & what makes you want to quit. I believe it's more than the job. It's something in our hearts that this job stress is touching and hurting. I think THAT is what you want to get to. I pray that God will give you the strength to overcome the ugliness at work...and to make you more beautiful than you have ever imagined! <3
Hi I love your message. For the most part it's usually the co workers and managers plus the customers etc I wish I was financially stable so I wouldn't have to deal with people I could just be free of the aggravation I do know that retail is not for me at all. Then my health isn't good so that's anything reason y I'm not working or can't take certain jobs which makes it even harder. I just don't know what to do anymore to much too deal with