I just found this site today. I thought I was the only one with anxiety and depression. I was really ashamed . I found a doctor and he prescribed medications and I feel so much better. I feel guilty too about having to be on medications but when I think of not having it I am soon very grateful for it and for someone who understands. I am older now almost 60 this has been a lifetime fight. Now today I am grateful to be alive to have found this support site .
Battling anxiety: I just found this... - Anxiety and Depre...
Battling anxiety

Hi CindyAPG, this is your lucky day! You have just found one of the most amazing sites to come to for support and understanding. Great men and women of all ages will respond with love and care to any of your concerns. You will never feel alone again. We are all with you on this same journey. My best, Agora1 xx
please don't ever feel ashamed of yourself turn it around and say you are greatful that you can get your life back on track.your seeking support and that's great you are doing so.
Don’t worry, i am glad you found this platform. We’ve got you sending lots of love your way ❤️❤️
Hi CindyAPG and welcome to our community. You will get a lot of support and understanding here as we all are going through the same thing. And I'm glad you are feeling better.
Welcome! I’m so glad you have addressed your disease and are feeling better! I’m older also and do not plan on giving up any time soon! I’m so glad you found us!! 🌺🙂🌺

I am glad I found you too. Thanks for taking the time to write. Have a great evening.
Welcome! We are happy you're here. And so happy to hear that medication is working for you! There are SO many of us who take medication to feel more like ourselves. It's okay and very normal!
Hello, Welcome to our site, We will give you support and love here. Please never feel guilty for what you have not done, your brain has let you down, but the good thing is in this modern day, there are good medications to help restore our brains to function they way they should. I know I have been on them for years, sometimes it is awful, as it is for me right now, anxiety eating me alive, I am on 3 med's, and it is going to take time. They tell me to be patient, I am trying!!! Talk to us we will help you if we can, we will encourage you and give you a safe place to be yourself. Sending Love & Hugs. Sprinkle 1.
Do you mind me asking what he prescribed. I’m barely getting by and I feel like my life is spiraling out of control. I’ve tried meds, doctors, natural alternatives and to no avail
Hi Jann3,
I know you said you’ve tried everything, but have you tried supplements/vitamins? I’m seeing an integrative dr and she did some comprehensive blood work and I found out I was very low in a lot vitamins/minerals. She suggested magnesium and others, and I have to say, I feel much better. I do see a therapist monthly and I meditate. Hope this helps you!
What do u take daily?
I take a magnesium supplement, a good multi vitamin, and an adrenal supplement. Try an Epsom salt bath first. If you feel much calmer and less anxious after having one, odds are you are deficient in magnesium-most of us are. Best to get tested by a doctor just to make sure.
I am glad you found someone and something that help you! It is a tough thing to deal with daily. Be blessed!
If you decide to look into a more natural way, talk to your Dr. about magnesium. A lot of people who fight anxiety are deficient in it and it may work w what you are taking. Ginseng helps get rid of sticky negative thoughts too. If you are loving what you are doing, stick with that tho. There is no reason to have guilt, if a diabetic needs insulin, they don't feel guilty and neither should you.