I been having really bad anxiety this whole weekend the body feeling heavy my heart and heart pains head hurting so bad feeling like it’s gonna fall off on top of that feeling super dizzy and off balance. I been crying a lot to I just want this to go away :,( sometimes I just want to sleep cuz that’s the only time I don’t feel anything but I know I need to keep pushing through even if it takes all my energy from me . God please give me the strength to get through another day.
Trying my hardest to fight theough - Anxiety and Depre...
Trying my hardest to fight theough
You will get through this, i know exactly what you mean, remember each day is different and that horrible feeling never last. Do you have anyone close who you can talk to
Thank you , I have support but sometimes it’s not what I want to hear especially when I feel like I’m going to die and then I have a full blown panic attack I just want my thoughts to stop and for this to go away I know one day it will I just have to keep fighting this battle
I'm praying for you and glad you are also calling on God for strength. When my anxiety is bad and terrifying I say certain Bible verses out loud, like for example Psalm 23 esp the line "Though i walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me, Your road and Your staff they comfort me". And also Psalm 34:18 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, He rescues those whose spirits are crushed". and there are many more that can bring comfort in those dark times. But if it's really bad panic attack i do need to take my anxiety meds, so hopefully you have some if it gets to feeling like emergency situation. or if you prefer to try natural stuff first, i find that magnesium does help and has no side effects compared to other natural stuff i've tried. pay attention to triggers- when i get very dizzy and worse than usual, i can for the most part think back to what triggered it, whether it was something i watched, or someone i talked to , or something i ate. Try to know your triggers and avoid them. i hope you feel better soon . Blessings
Thank you so much it much a lot to me and those verses are amazing thank you for sharing those with me
Right now I have a lot on my plate and I have been for some time I’m hoping once I get this done it will relieve me I don’t take any meds for it tried but they cause me to have tremors so I avoid it I’m trying the natural route and hoping to fight the battle with god on myself that he will lift me up and relieve me of everything I know it won’t happen over night but I have faith I try and tell myself to when I’m getting a panic attack that it happened before and I will be ok before I go to the extent of calling 911
Ok here is link to magnesium i take ,it is supposed to be superior to other brands - Natural Calm-- naturalvitality.com/natural... . very safe, no side effects- you can get at Sproots , Whole Foods or Amazon, any health store. try this and breathe slowly, deeply. Hope you get all your stuff done and can relax
Ugh! I know that feeling! But, like you said at the end, I KNOW that God will give you strength. Even when we call out to Him and it seems like He can’t hear us, He does. He will give us exactly what we need, when we need it. I am praying for you and the physical pain of everything to cease and for strength. You’ve got this!
Hi Stephanie, I have been depressed most of my life. I am on three medications. God is first and foremost in my life. I also pray to Saint Michael. He is the saint that drives demons away. I have a little statue of Saint Michael and each morning I say a special prayer. I ordered the statue and prayer card on line. I also had my house blessed by a priest. All this has worked for me and I believe it always will. Good luck. I hope you feel better.