Hi, my name is Ana Catarina. I've had problems with depression before. I even started to see a psychologyst and it did help, but i have stoped seeing one for a little while, but everything was okay. But one day my Dad got mad at me for something stupid and i was so angry i started crying and on inpulse i started to hurt myself so that i could stop feeling like that (in the past i had resulted to hurt myself so this wasn't the first time). I imedietly regreted and told my mom. I love my dad but he isn't the most understanding person. And he makes me feel so much worse about myself, and I've tried to talk to him about this but he just says that I'm being dramatic and everyone has problems. I feel that as long as i live under the same roof as him i'll never be able to stop feeling this way, taking the fact that we are always fighting, this feeling is pretty much 24/7. I don't know what to do and i don't know if i can manage this any longer.
My Dad makes me feel like I'm insane - Anxiety and Depre...
My Dad makes me feel like I'm insane

i am 20 now, my mom was a single parent and i never met my dad (still haven’t he’s passed away now) and i was her only child so it was only me and her in the house and i was struggling with mental illness and we didn’t know yet and she was not very understanding at all in the beginning so i somewhat understand how you feel. but i moved out a few days after i turned 18 and now we are great and she’s very understanding and helpful when i come to her to talk.
It sadly takes time for people to understand how depression and anxiety works, try taking baby steps into helping your father understand how you feel.
Please treasure your body my dear, and when you feel like you need to release all that pent up anger and stress learn to take it out on something else.
Splash some paint on a canvas, write, read, draw lines and shapes, you can even sing your heart out !
I wish you the best of luck. It might be hard, but I’m sure your father would understand eventually, because you’re his daughter and he loves you ♥️
can be challenging. perhaps he thinks that by telling you such things will help, but we are all unique and not respond as others would. I would suggest to write down all these feelings and thoughts as if you were actually giving these to him. do into detail and depth of what you feel when certain situations happen around you and how you'd like for him to help or assist. You could give these to him, when you need or simply keep them for yourself. Please don't try to harm yourself anymore, we are here for you!
Are you old enough to move? He's not going to change, so accept that. If you can't move have as little contact with him as possible till you can find other options. I have a mom like that, though she almost 90 and has dementia. I think she hated me from the day I was born?
She only wanted boys, she would never celebrate my birthday, the only the boys. She would tell people I wasn't suppose to be born. I use to be the focus of her rage, and blamed for everything. I told myself since I was young that I would leave when I was 18, and I did. I even ran away when I was 8-9. I thought maybe she wasn't my mom? I'm 63 now, her treatment of me me has always stayed with me. In spite of her, I think im a successful adult and parent, I always said I wouldn't be that kind of parent and I wasn't, I always celebrate their birthdays, I went on all their field trips, a room mom and involved with the Girl Scouts. You need be strong for yourself that you are worth while. Those are his securities speaking
Sounds like you've got a lot going on, i'm sorry. As someone who has struggled hard and overcome, I strongly encourage you to take up therapy again. If it was helping it's so worth continuing. You are a beautiful girl and you are beyond worthy of a life filled with joy and love; this includes self love, sister. As parents we may not understand why our kiddos are feeling this way and certainly don't understand why they'd hurt themselves. I would guess your dad is hurt and confused and doesn't have the skills he needs to cope appropriately and be able to help you. It's important to keep the communication open with him as best as possible, but if your mom is who you connect with right now then please continue to do so. Do you have any other outlets? exercise, writing, going for a drive, close friends, a church group... It would be beneficial to keep outside connections as well, an outlet for when you're feeling the urge to release on your body, your emotions.