Hi everyone. I am feeling hopeless. This black cloud follows me. I start a new job on Monday and it's retail. I am afraid my back won't take it. Feeling very anxious about the future. I am alone except for my faith. I don't know why I was ever born.
Feeling hopeless and anxious - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling hopeless and anxious

You have to just remove less from hopeless.. I know how it’s feel ..
believe me all it takes to allow a small ray of hope to come to into your life .
Soon your life will be filled with positivity and hopefulness ..
take a new job as sign of brighter life .. look forward to it .
For a moment close your eyes take a deep breath and put a positive step forward to a new job and new life ..
What is wrong with your back? I also have some back issues and have found physical therapy very helpful, although it does not work for all types of back problems.
I have sciatica and arthritis. I hope it doesn't interfere with my new job but I am so afraid it will. I need a new roof and income to pay back the loan. Physical therapy may help.
Hi. Your not alone here! I hope your new job goes well for you. Let us know how your first day goes. I worked retail and have had back issues. Remember to lift with your knees and work safely. Protect your back.
Have you worked retail before? Invest in comfortable shoes with good support. It will definitely help with your back issues! As with any new job there's an adjustment period that you go through so don't be hard on yourself if you make a mistakes or don't get something right away!
I hope your first day goes well. Can you think about some positive thoughts every day, like.. I was hired because I am needed. Because I am good at what I do. I am glad that I am able to work. It's a fact that positive thinking is so powerful and will defeat the other nonsense that sticks in our heads. You will do great and please let us know how you do.
hi congratulations on your new job sure it will be ok.best thing to to is make sure your bending properly when lifting anything.always keep your back straight and bend your knees sort of like a weightlifter.i have terrible back pain and faced the same fears as you are just now.i had a terrible wound on my back 15 year ago and have struggled ever since but I was determined to give it a go.funny enough my back went big time 3 weeks before I started and I ended up in hospital thankfully the the pain eased enough for me to start.i lift heavy furniture everyday and just about managed by doing things the right way.take it easy and hopefully you will be ok.good luck.
Good luck with your new job. I hope it goes well. The great thing about new things is having a fresh start.

So true. Thank you for your support Hopefully it will go well!
Angiebrooke - I felt hopeless for years and like you my faith was the only thing that brought me through it. I can tell you there is hope and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Have you considered seeing a counselor, pastor, mentor? You are not alone and I pray this feeling will leave and His peace take its place. -Rachel