So i guess my first and most annoying thing i deal with is my social anxiety. I can't go to any event even dinner out with my husband without having a beer before hand to relax. Even if i think i'm ok to go, i get there and i have a full panic attack and just want to leave. It stops me from even doing small things like going to the grocery store. I don't take anything to cope with this. I am in the works with talking to a doctor. What does or has anyone done to cope with this??
Social Anxiety : So i guess my first... - Anxiety and Depre...
Social Anxiety

Dearest Jess, I heard about your mom, and I want to tell how sorry I am for your loss. It is never easy to say goodby, especially hard when it comes suddenly.
Social anxiety can so tough to deal with. Do you think the current episode may have been triggered by your mom's passing?
Social anxiety has it's roots in fear. Therapy could help to find those roots and help you deal with them. Have you ever thought about therapy? Could it be a possibility?
I am new to this website, too. But it looks to be good place for support, in however you choose to deal with your anxiety.
I am sending best wishes to you.
Hello, and thank you. saying goodbye to my mom has been the hardest thing to do, even when it was getting so bad and i couldn't deal with her addiction any more i still loved her and miss her so much every day. She had her good days, and i loved her on those days.
I have had anxiety since i was about 15 but her passing has definitely amplified it. I have been to therapy during my childhood. I have not gone in over 10 years. I guess i thought i could control it. I thought i was until recently I realized i do not have it under control, i just avoid anything that could trigger it. Which means i basically don't leave my house. I have reached my tipping point and just made an appointment with a doctor. I was curious to learn what people have been doing to overcome this. My life is not living. And i'm so tired of not living.
Definitely some medication to start, I take Lexapro 5mg and it has helped with both depression and anxiety. Then listen to Claire Weekes books or read them. Talk therapy and exposure therapy, so actually facing your fears start small and work up. I am doing this too as I have major anxiety when driving.

Thank you! I will keep this in mind. And i will look into those books. Good luck with your driving anxiety. I didn't start driving until i was about 22 because of my anxiety. I have gotten better with it. One of the things i have gotten better with i guess... I still drive with all my windows up though. I hate the thought someone can see me, especially stopped at a red light. lol. It's like that same feeling you get when you walk across the street and you think you are walking weird and everyone is looking at you. At least for me. Uggh, so weird, right.
Have you considered going into addiction counseling? I am studying that now after a major breakdown I had a year ago. Anxiety and depression sky high, everything felt meaningless. I did a lot of soul searching and decided to get into a profession that would help others in major crisis. You have first hand knowledge of addiction, just a thought.

That is awesome that you are doing that! I have thought of it. But with me suffering right now I could never help someone else. When i get everything under control i will definitely do something to help children in crisis. It breaks my heart when i see a child in a horrible situation. I always just want to scoop them up and tell them they are going to make it through.