I found this site with a video on depression. It’s not a cure of course. But it might help to know others are suffering too and what to do about it. It mentions the little ways of subsiding the symptoms. REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We are in this together!
Website and Video on Depression - Anxiety and Depre...
Website and Video on Depression
Hello Maria!
I usually depend on my higher power and my experience with depression to see me through, but am always open to suggestions! Thanks so much for the link!
That’s wonderful! I have a higher power as well. And I have so many things I try. I just bought this essential oil diffuser necklace and it’s my first day wearing it. I use inner peace as the oil. I also just got lumiday. Have you heard of it? I researched and read all the reviews. I don’t buy anything before doing that. So hopefully I’ll see some results. I’m really glad to hear that you depend on experience. Has anything worked for you that you’d recommend?
Yes! Simple things I do for myself mostly centered around positivity, such as, living in today only, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones...etc. Things like that. My higher power is my greatest help!
How did you train your thinking that way? I’ve tried meditation and tried turning my thoughts into positive ones. It’s hard!!
Yes! It is hard and takes practice! If I’m unable to change my thoughts over, I use distraction to think of something else. Cooking/baking works well for me because I’m busy reading the recipe and measuring ingredients. I start thinking about the finished product and get all involved. My husband raves about the food and in turn, I feel a sense of accomplishment and feel good about myself vs. those negative thought patterns which are totally counterproductive! Being grateful for your many blessings in life and looking/focusing on the good vs. the bad in all situations also helps. Once you begin changing your thoughts over to the positive side, it gets easier to do! Don’t give up! Keep fighting! You have a good, hungry attitude! 🌷🙂🌷