i cant do this anymore... every aspect of my life is fucked up. im tired of being sad. im tired of hoping for better. im done. i give up. good bye. i dont want to do this anymore. I've reached my limit.
goodbye: i cant do this anymore... - Anxiety and Depre...

Let us help you. What’s going on?
How can I help you? I'm here for you & it's sad that you are feeling this way. Whatever i can do ..I'm here for you!! Here's a big hug! I hope you can find peace of mind. XXX
🙏🙋🏻♂️Just saying hello
You reached out to us. Thank you for trusting us with what you are feeling. We are here for you.
My friend we are here for you. All of us have messed up situations in life, you’re not alone trust me ❤️
To me it sounds like you are still mourning your gramma, everyone does this at a different pace, I understand! I lost my mom 29 years ago & she was my best friend, it took me 10 long years to get over it, be gentle & kind to yourself...I sure can relate!!! Once again I'm here for you!!! I'll help in any way I can! Love for you! XXX
You are not alone, everyone is here for you! You can get through this....You are a good person..
Hang on Tyler, please. You're not alone. Please talk. Let us try to help. Call a suicide hotline. Call 911. DO something! I know its hard. Help is out there. Voluntarily admit yourself to a Behavioral Hospital. Just Google it.
O,no, please let us know how are you doing. You need help, don't give up. We need you, universe needs you.
tylerjjjj, no one can take away the pain that you are feeling with the loss of your grandma. Only
time can help. Everyone grieves in their own way and in the time that it takes. Your grandmother
must have loved you so much as well. So much so, that the last thing she would want is for you to
give up on life. I'm sure she instilled in you wonderful memories of her life. Now it's your turn to
make those wonderful memories for both you and her.
This is a caring forum. We need to know that you are safe. PLEASE...respond. We are all here
to help you, one step at a time, one day at a time. You are not alone. We will be by your side for
as long as it takes. We love and we care. xx
im getting professional help everybody.. thank you all for caring and being kind. I've really been losing myself and have never felt so alone in my life until now. I'm sorry if i scared anybody but Im so broken and in pain. I just need somebody to really listen with an unbiased. I found a therapist that seems to fit my criteria. I'm calling her after work to schedule our first meeting.
Thank you for replying tyler. Good Luck with the therapist in taking the first steps forward xx
Thank you for letting us know that you are okay. Please please beleive me when I say that you are not alone in the way that you have been feeling, just about everyone here has felt that way at some point but it WILL get better, it will! Therapy will help and we are all here for you
Thank you for your reply and your strength. You are taking very important steps and I will be praying for you. Keep us posted how will be a meeting with a therapist. Hugs.