Hello everyone. Just wanted to send out a quick post. I’ve been suffering with OCD since childhood. I’ve noticed recently that it’s gotten a lot worse. My Dr is trying to help with my depression, but I guess the meds I’m on don’t help with the OCD. Just wanted to know about anyone’s experience with OCD. THANK YOU. SAMSON
OCD: Hello everyone. Just wanted to... - Anxiety and Depre...

OCD is the story of my life. Mine is mostly centered around obsessive compulsive worrying that something bad is going to happen. I’m on meds for depression and they don’t help my OCD either. What does help is that I’m honest with people that I have it. For instance, when I met my partner years ago, on our first date after we got to talking, I came right out and told him I have had OCD all my life. He actually has been compassionate and as understanding as he can be.
I’ll have this for the rest of my life. So instead of beating myself up for it, I just accept it’s part of how I was wired and I go on with my life.
I hear you. I get the obsessive worrying thoughts. Bad things happening when I’m doing something in a certain way. Sometimes I avoid doing stuff just to avoid the obsessive thoughts. I had A rough one today. My debit card , when I use it to make a purchase putting it back in my wallet is so freakin tough. Sometimes I’ll put it in my wallet leave the store then I take it out by my car and put it in several times till the right thoughts are in my head. Samson
Hey Samson,
When I leave the house I always run back in and make sure the stove burner is off, all the cats are accounted for, and you name it. I even worry when I’m driving if I’ll get into an accident, my OCD really kicks in there. And on and on it goes.
It’s not easy. Are you currently on meds?
Yes... Welbutrin and Zoloft. As for my OCD it’s seeing the therapist every two weeks.
Oh ok. I was on Zoloft for a while it did help with the OCD not my depression. My Dr just put me on Pristiq added it to the Trintillex. I also take Xanax as needed. I’ve been taking 2 Xanax a day lately for the anxiety. I don’t like using the Xanax too much cause they can be habit forming. But the Xanax makes me feel normal. Samson.
Glad you get relief. I wish I could go on Xanax but my doctor too has concerns thats it’s too habit forming. Since I began Zoloft two weeks ago I’m hoping in the long term that it helps.
Good afternoon. How are you feeling lately? Just wanted to know if you’ve ever had such a bad OCD episode with intrusive thoughts that you were at your wits end? I had an episode last night. I was so anxious i was sweating like crazy. Let me know. Thank you. Samson
Oh God yes. There’s times I’ve had flare-ups that were so bad that my body heats up and I’m running a temperature of around 100. It’s happened when I’ve had what I call a “worry attack” when I feel like something bad is about to happen.
All I can say is I have to ride it out until it subsides. Then I’m feeling fine again.
So you are definitely not alone by any means.
I've also had OCD since I was a child. I've only been treated for depression and OCD. My medication is supposed to help with the OCD, but my obsessions are still there. Maybe they're a little less than before. At least now I don't have panic attacks every 2 seconds. Have you ever looked into exposure response prevention or ERP? It's supposed to work really well. I'm looking for that now but finding it hard to find it in an affordable way.
Nope I’ve never heard of it I’ve been in all kinds of meds and I’m currently seeing a psychotherapist who gives give cognitive behavioral therapy What is EPR? Samson
iocdf.org/about-ocd/treatme... here's a link with more information on ERP. This will explain it better than I can because I've never had it.
It's apparently part of the B in CBT so it's good that you're getting CBT already
I have ocd mostly bad intrusive thoughts and counting and specific words I have to say over and over...
I am now on Paxil 20 mg and my doc says that at 40 mg it helps with ocd. Looking forwsrd to this possibly working for me.
I wish all of you the best in finding treatments that work for you. 💕
I tried Paxil years ago but I felt sleepy all the time. I was on Effexor for quite sometime and it did help. The only thing is that I fell into a deep depression a couple of years ago, so my therapist is addressing my depression instead of the OCD. But now the OCD is creeping up and getting really really bad. I just started on pristiq 50 mgs then was upped to 100mgs. I also take Xanax as needed which is pretty much everyday. Samson
Oh yup the Paxil keeps me so tired but to me it is better to have much less anxiety and depression in my case because it was so bad.
I do hope Pristiq helps ya! Hmmm I wish I had Xanax but my doc doesn’t believe in giving the benzos.
Yeah I take Ativan but not prescribed by my psychiatrist and it does work but I tend to feel a need for it which I guess isn’t good.