Holidays still make me somber
Holiday : Holidays still make me somber - Anxiety and Depre...

How can I put a smile on your face...that's what i want for you!!! Love & Hugs!!!
Chihuhahua puppies never fail to make me smile! I just love them and have two myself x
You just did!! Thanks for caring hugs back to you xoxo
Well that is wonderful! Makes me very happy for you! I'm here for you! Love & Hugs!!! XXX
I’m right there with you!! Sending much love & hugs to you🤗xoxoxo
Thanks I am... My days are still up and down. Hope you’re doing better too!! xoxoxo 😊
I have the same issue, holidays are definitely not fun for me and I think it’s the pressure to celebrate that really brings me down. If I can’t be happy enough to celebrate my own birthday, how can I be forced to enjoy fireworks and festivals in 100 degree humidity to celebrate my country’s birthday. Christmas is a whole different ball game... why can’t I just be happy, “tis the season”. I wish you happiness and hope you can make it out to enjoy the American Dream, believe in yourself and celebrate your happiness!
I'm so sorry holidays are rough on you. I get it though...29 years ago my mom passed the day after Christmas..very bitter sweet! If I can help you in any way just let me know. I'm here for you!!! Love & Hugs for you! XXX

Yes similar happen to me with my dad
This time of the year thanks😇
We will be reunited one day! Hope will grow if you believe! Any time you need to chat I'm here for you! Love & Hugs! XXX

Oh my goodness I’m so sorry to hear that, my dad passed in 2014 and I haven’t been normal ever since. I’m trying to overcome my own situation and I’m not sure I’m gonna to make it through this one. I feel bad for offering my depressed advice to someone who needs to hear positivity.
I never got over my father‘s death as time passed I remember the good things and the funny things that he said and did. I just have a hard time when it’s his anniversary I miss him
He was my support and always covered my back 😪 be strong? You have to be just like I do i’m here whenever you need me lots of hugs
No one ever gets up in the morning & says it's a good day to say goodby to my loved one! It happens though. Everyone's grief is took me 10 years to get over losing my mom. It takes time...give yourself that time to heal & be gentle with yourself! I'm here for you!!! Love & Hugs!!!

I don’t know if I’ll ever heal I don’t like being an orphan to me holidays represent family celebration don’t have that thanks for your support
I'm one too! You're right family is about the holidays ....somehow we must make the best of it...that's what they would want us to do! PM me if you'd like! Love & Hugs!!!! XXX
I love what you said “ believe in yourself and celebrate your happiness “ thanks for
Your support 🤔🙃
I’m so glad you found the positive in my comment, re-reading that made me feel like a negative person 😂 im just lost.
I don't think you'll ever enjoy a holiday if you feel pressurised. I totally understand x