Does anybody else feel worse on holidays? My depression got so bad this weekend! I don’t do good with time on my hands. Way to much time to ruminate! I was suicidal watching everyone enjoying their holiday weekend and I was suffering alone. I got to get on top of this horrible illness or it will surely kill me.
Holiday weekend blues: Does anybody... - Anxiety and Depre...
Holiday weekend blues

I know those that do...I personally don't...I deal with depression but it isn't affected by the holidays....I guess you wanted responses from those that do're not alone...take comfort in that and keep rowing.
Your not alone. I haven’t left my house on days. Oh yes the ruminating is bad. That’s all I do gotta try and stay busy just know your not alone! It sure feels like it I know!
Yes it is worse on holidays....i hate them..
I can definitely relate and I also felt more depressed this weekend. Even though I had some plans, the downtime wasn't good. And I was throughly let down by family. You're certainly not alone here. I'm glad you reached out to us. I do the same and this community has helped a lot. I hope you feel better real soon.
Comparing ourselves to others leaves us feeling like we came up with the short end of the what makes you happy and don’t allow rumination to overtake your thoughts. Stop yourself and distract yourself with something you enjoy doing that requires you to think about something else to complete the task. Cooking and working help me get out of myself, which I very much need to do. Volunteering is always a great way to focus on others and stop being so self-involved. It will also make you feel good about yourself! Take control of your disease by changing your thought patterns from negative to positive. You can do this! “Action” is the key word here!! Wishing you the best 💐😊💐
Thanks for the encouragement. The problem is nothing makes me happy right now. How do u get to that place?
Are you able to take your mind to happy place or time? How about music? I'll blast it, picks me up. I'm here for you sending you love, peace, joy, light & hugs!!!

Yes music helps! I’ve also been listening to u tube videos on meditation for depression/anxiety. I’m just so frustrated! Can’t seem to find the right medication to feel better!! Thanks for your support..
Holidays usually make things worse because we thinks everyone else is together and enjoying themselves. That's not always true. One thing that could help is when a holiday is close try making some plans to make it better. Rent a movie for the day, go on a walk etc...
I can understan how you feel. I had been through several Christmas feeling that way too. A lot of triggers and I was overwhelmed. My therapist helped me through those moments using EMDR. Are you talking to any counsellor or therapist?? Please consider talking to one if this gets too much for you to bear. You don’t have to suffer alone. Get help. Praying for you. GOd bless...
Can you tell me what EMDR is. Thanks
I hope this link will give you a better idea of how it works.
It helped me to process through some traumatic memories I had previously. Kind of like desensitize me so that any trigger from the previous experience will be brought to the lowest and I’m not affected by that so much. Also, please consider taking meds in between therapy session to help you cope. PReviously, in between my therapy sessions, I found some days unbearable. So in my opinion, taking meds might help you to cope in between session. But of course, please talk to a psychiatrist and a therapist so that you can gather informed knowledge about how these 2 can work together to help you. HOpe this helps. GOd bless!
Yes I am adjusting meds right now, looking for the right combination. It’s waiting for them to work that is so difficult!
Please do, it is horrible. We don't want to go on feeling like this. God give us strength. Live by this, 'this too shall pass'.🙏