I live in lincoln NE and struggle really hard with depression and suicidal thoughts. Im a mother, but sometimes i feel like i can't hold on anymore. I hate being alone... My friends dont understand my mental illness or how to help. So i thought id check this out and see if i can get to know people who might be like me or understand me...
BiPolar and BPD...: I live in lincoln... - Anxiety and Depre...
BiPolar and BPD...
Hello Tamika,
I'm not familiar with all the things that bi polar can produce but am struggling bad with a major anxiety/depressive bout. Just wanted to say you are not alone and we are all friends here
I understand Tamika! Lots of people here also understand you and relate to you. Since you identify yourself as being Bipolar and having BPD, I assume that you’re seeing a Psychiatrist or therapist. That’s a good thing. Are you on any medications? I take Lithium, which I’ve been on around 27 years, and Cymbalta.
You can do this Tamika! I too have suicidal thoughts every time I sink into oblivion. My secret (haha) formula for beating depression is to think positively, be very grateful for everything, live in today only by staying out of the past and out of the future, focus only on things you can control in today and let go of the rest, take action against your depression and make yourself do the things you don’t want to do, take baby steps to achieve your goals, look at the positives in every situation instead of what went wrong, take your medication faithfully, know that you’re capable and smart, know that you were made specifically and uniquely for a reason/purpose, enjoy nature when possible, learn to relax, don’t be too hard on yourself, don’t replay scenes from your past over and over again, try/practice redirecting your thoughts as needed, and for me...cultivating a spiritual life! You’ve heard these things before, I’m sure, but give it a go! Wishing peace and happiness for you!!
Thank you! Yes ive been medicated since i was a kid and have a counselor which i find minimally helpful.
I would say try a psychologist (PhD) who specializes in your disorders, not a counselor
Dear Gratitude, your words are soothing and helpful, keep spreading your message because it is medicine for the soul!!! And Dear Tamika, your struggle is mine too and many others’ sadly but let’s be together here at least and lift eachother up the best we can. As others have said, you aren’t alone in this terrible pain. Please hang on. Picture us in your living room. We wrap you up in warmth and love and humanity and solidarity. Lately I’ve been so down, it’s been a bout with pmdd which is severe pms. BHRT can help. Just a thought. Thyroid issues and vitamin deficiency also contribute to these low feelings. But friendship is the cure!! You join us here. No one will judge you here. Hope you tell us more...
We understand, that is why we are here. It is hard for those who have not lived with these illnesses to get it. I am glad you found us.
Me too- Bi Polar 2 with major depressive disorder and anxiety did- no bpd (as far as I know) but it’s hard. I too struggle with suicidal thoughts- but it would destroy my kids and I do t want to offend God , otherwise I would check out. I feel ya
I too bipolar and struggle with depression and anxiety. Do you have a doctor? Are you on
medication? Bipolar depression is the worst. It seems to take everything out of you.
Keep posting and you will find friends here.