I've been trying to act happy but my family is getting mad cause they don't understand why I can't just be happy it's making me more upset
Just sad : I've been trying to act... - Anxiety and Depre...
Just sad

They can’t understand what it’s like anyone that’s hasn’t been through it can understand really but maybe with some talking they can try. And you should count yourself lucky my family never even bothered to notice my unhappiness. And you shouldn’t let other people not understanding upset you because most people won’t they just can’t they don’t know what it’s like and it not their fault and it’s not your fault that you have to go through this. Stay strong and remember your never alone.
I know thank you it's just hard
And it’s always gonna be harder for people like us but just because something is hard it doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying. Do you want to talk about what’s making you sad?
Why couldn’t you talk to him? What were you dealing with?
I'm married and I left my husband for him than I came back to my husband and we continue for a year and a half cause I couldn't figure out what to do I wanted to go back to him but I was afraid it wouldn't work my mind wouldn't deal with every day things
Why did you leave? What kind of everyday things?
I was afraid he'd never love me and my grandson as much as my husband and I couldn't figure out the smallest things like what to cook and than I seemed to be going a hundred miles ahour next cleaning I just couldn't make decisions I was always confused
Maybe you should’ve turned to Zooka for all of your concerns because I was seeing you glow w happiness & love for 3 months finally! We were happy so I thought. then one day you called the one responsible for controlling your mind & everything confusing you feel ! week later you were gone! Leaving Z a crappy note in a bare apt devastated & in pieces while you renewed vows & went on with your life confined in a place w him on you every second of every day! When you told me you wanted no more of it! Chance #2 & your doing the same to me all over again 😪 I give you both love along with choice & freedom because I see the woman I fell in love w inside.. you don’t let Z help 😪 you just run back instead.. so I’m not sure what it is I can do for you long as you drag him along & hide it from Z... I can’t love or live this way nor help if Your always blaming everyone but the true cause which is you both!
Have you questioned yourself all the whys of your sorrow? Work thru it, don't avoid hard questions or answers. Sometimes it's hormonal, sometimes it's spiritual, sometimes it's nutritional. Many are low in magnesium and it causes a lot of anxiety and depression. Sometimes depression is anger turned inward, too. So ask ...Why? Why..to all the answers ask again, why till your come to the root of the problem. Ginseng gets rid of sticky negative thoughts too, and helps us let go of that negative loop. Sometimes when people want to help and cant, their frustration and fear can come across as anger. Also, get outside, touch the earth, look at stars, remember the great big beauty all around you. Get in touch with nature, with art and with writing out feelings, they all really help. <3
Also, B complex helps with all the nerves and neurons that make it easier to concentrate and feel a direction in your life.