So last night i had to force myself to go to the emergency room because i barely ate a small sandwich and it caused tremendous gas to where the pressure in my chest was tremendously bad and it made my heart rate go over 180 anyone have eating problems to where anything you eat gives you gas and excessive burbing??????
STOMACH AND HEART : So last night i had... - Anxiety and Depre...

And what did the doctors say about it?

They made me take a anxiety medication and alot for my stomach to calm down the pressure
And besides that they just sent me home and now i gotta follow up with G.I doctor and a cardiologist
I have stomach issues when my anxiety is higher. I use a lot of simethicone. It is harmless and cuts down on the bloating. I also have found that if I let my stomach get too empty and eat something with fiber, it is really bad. I hope the doctors can help.
Hey not sure if it’s similar but after eating even without soft drinks I’d burp like crazy. Sometimes I’d try to push it out too since it feels like there’s air in my chest. I’d have to get up a few times to burp after lying down at night.
Me tooooo
Haha I actually didn’t know it was connected to anxiety. I wondered what the hell is wrong with my digestive system 😂
I know right i hate these feelings but i just gotta be strong
Also alotta this bloating increases my heart rate it sucks
Fabiangall, one of the reasons for our bloating is because in being so anxious and nervous, we tend to swallow a lot of air both when eating as well as when not. What can help is making meal time a quiet time w/o talking and taking the time to chew well before swallowing. When we do swallow a lot of air, the stomach pushes up against our heart causing skipped beats which scares us, releases adrenaline and can cause a fast heart beat. I ended up in the ER many years ago because of the fast h/r of 220bpm. Once I was given a small dose of Xanax, my heart rate went back to normal sinus rhythm.
Good Luck with your follow up appointments with the GI doc and Cardiologist. xx
I didnt know that anxiety can cause this much heart problems and stomach issues
When we are anxious, our stomach produces more acidity giving us heartburn or indigestion etc. Eating too fast as well as drinking carbonated drinks can cause that uncomfortable heart feeling. It's always wise to have it checked out by your doctor but I wouldn't worry, it's more likely to come back Anxiety related.
Let us know how you do after seeing the doctors. We care. xx
Yes, I experience gas, bloating, and burping after eating. I also have stomach pain when it’s aggravated. I call it, “gastritis.” I have been having a bout of it lately and taking OTC Nexium everyday really helps. And yes, simethicone helps! Good luck!