I'm Leaving!! (My husband!) - Anxiety and Depre...

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I'm Leaving!! (My husband!)

16 Replies

Hey guys! How are all my lovely friends today? I have FINALLY made a decision-I'm leaving my 6 year marriage. I cannot tell you how bittersweet this feels-I feel relieved but also sad. However, it appears that he is talking to someone else (who lives here and is close by and is most likely from his work) Was I not pretty enough for him? Good enough? I guess not. I have been very unhappy these 6 years, actually. Have found myself wanting out a lot due to verbal abuse and emotional neglect.

Only thing is-I have ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, no family, no support, no one, until 5 years from now when I get to see my birth daughter (and only child.) due to a closed adoption (that I wanted to be open!) Anyway, she will be 18. And I cannot expect her to be my emotional support; I have to be STRONG so that SHE can lean on ME. (And I damn sure ain't gonna let her financially support me) I am planning on working REALLY hard, even helping to save for her college (yes, even on my own now) Maybe I can also get her some stocks and bonds once I get my new job.

Also-I have no vehicle-we make payments and do not own and it is in his name. And we are in a financial situation that we are going to court over, with us both filing in it-we think it will go in our favor. Until then, I can't really leave as I cannot get a job until after this is all said and done. (About 100 days) I am planning on getting a job in hospitality with the Cruiselines. I want adventure! Can you just imagine being at the open sea for months! Plus, the pay is great and lodging is free! I am a gypsy (in spirit) and ALWAYS wanted to travel! I wouldn't need a vehicle until inlays (in-between trips) and I could just rent one.

I do not have the greatest resume or job history so I am a little scared, also I always had my dad before when going through my 1st divorce and subsequent breakups with boyfriends, he is no longer alive. I will have to make it on my own. I have been a homemaker pretty much all these 6 years and will be re-entering the workforce again. But as I just attempted suicide a couple months ago, I am determined NOW to LIVE for my daughter. People, if it wasn't for her, Id just leave this world behind. (In a heartbeat) I hope that sharing this with you all 1) brings me support (I really need it guys!) 2) ideas on how to make it (emotionally and financially) and 3) Resources (places that can help me cope as a newly single woman.) Thank you SO very much!

Also, we have a great cat who has always been there for me. IDK what to do as I probably cannot take him with me (although I will try!)

In the meantime I am very excited (but also very scared) of my new life! Thanks again so much just for listening and wish me the best!

16 Replies

If he is not for you just let it go :D

in reply to

Thank you! ; )

Another inspiring motivating post, thank you...You are a strong smart woman and you will make it. Best wishes 🌹☺💕

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Thank you so much for being there, SouthTexas84!

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You're very welcome Diviny123, I'm here anytime. Take care luv 💕😇

fauxartist profile image

It's good you've made your decision to part ways if your unhappy, it usually doesn't get better over time. It's very hard and sad when you have invested so much time into a relationship. I am sorry to hear of all the loss you've had to go through, you have survived a lot. I understand the desperation of not thinking we can take another day of life the way it is at that moment in time....and then we are pulled back by the thought of what it would do to a loved one. I would get your ducks in a row now while this case is being settled so you have a head start on moving forward...if you can't afford a lawyer check out legal aid....and as far as a car...do what we did when the ex- crashed the brand new car my partner paid for....we got an old banger....a little car that is good on gas and has good trans and engine...keep making plans for your independence, maybe think of putting apps. into temp. agency's. I had to go back to work in my fifties....yeah....so I know about going into a tough job market...but I skated through at a call center till I got myself together to move to the next step. Don't worry about getting college or bonds for you daughter right now....all they really want from you is ...'you'....down the road when you have yourself settled in, then you can look into something for them. Hang in there....

in reply to fauxartist

Aww, Thank you so much fauxartist! These all sound really helpful! ; ) I will definitely check into these!

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fauxartist in reply to

hang in there kiddo....we all give and take here...we are all supporting each other through rough seas and calm ones...it takes courage to reach out to your friends, even here, when your used to being the one giving advice...we forget , me included, that we can also ask for help and support....there are quite a few of us older gals who have been down the road a few times....keep sharing....it's very healing and takes some of the power out of the pain....

in reply to fauxartist

So glad to know I'm not alone (thanks for makin me feel young) LOL; Thanks again! *~Smiles~*

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fauxartist in reply to

any time.... :)

Thank you so much Elliot-sWorld!!

I'm sorry you are going through this. I was going through a divorce four years ago. Turns out it is one of the best things that could have happened to me.

I'll be cheering you on when you do Marilyn for cruiseline entertainment! :)

"We are all of us stars and we deserve to twinkle." MM

Aww Thank you Delta1! Im so glad it worked out for you and yes I know it will for me as well! To a richer, fuller life!

in reply to

Yes ma'am! :)

Hi Diviny.

Every good wish to you.

Making that decision must have been very difficult for you.

Now the decision is made and you are thinking and planning you are bound to feel scared, you have been used to things in life being a certain way for many years and changes always feel a scarey I think..

This is ‘new beginnings’ for you and I can see fro your writings here you are a very capable woman. You have a lot of skills to offer. You are a survivor and a great writer. You will seek out many things and also once life changes things will come to you to I’m sure.

Best wishes

🌺🌼🌺🌼 xx

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Olivia40, your words really touched my heart! I am so thankful for ALL of you on here! Thank you!! ; )

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