Had my first panic attack in about a year. Was driving 30 minutes away with husband and daughter. I usually get anxious but not that bad. Hoping I can get a grip on being away. Any tips? Maybe let husband drive see if it's better?
Driving attacks : Had my first panic... - Anxiety and Depre...
Driving attacks

Hi Aorli, my advice is, don't allow this panic attack to take away control of your driving. Once you do, it will become easier for you to rely on someone else to drive. You don't want to put yourself in that position. After being Agoraphobic for 5 years, I had to get myself to drive again so that I had the freedom and control to get out of the house once more.
I used meditation and deep breathing before leaving the house. But I found that deep breathing brought me peace and calm and I started using it while driving, shopping, watching tv, talking with people again and even when I'm on the forum. I'm basically deep breathing my way through life.
It has made such a big difference that I'm able to go anywhere w/o a problem. But it must be practiced daily at home before you get into a stressful situation. You can completely avoid any panic by deep breathing. It will not allow it to break through.
Before turning over the driving to your husband, please give it a try next time you go out with your family. You will not only be in control but will feel calmer at the same time. Works great in shopping in the Big Box stores as well. Who knew that all the time we had the key to success in our back pocket. Good Luck Aorli xx You can do this.
Thank you so much for the advice. I did use some deep breathing on the drive I usually just push through it the only time I panic is if I'm not feeling well. I felt queasy but that's a symptom of my anxiety and was my time of the month so that didn't help. I was fine once we arrived. I also drove all the way back home no problem. Next weekend we will be driving 45 minutes away...
You did good Aorli... Be proud of yourself. You didn't let it stop you. Way to go xx
Also I don't know of you go to church or believe in God, but praying anytime I go anywhere seems to help me. God does not come in fear and the devil will try and get us anyway he can. I still get anxious but not as bad as I have driven expressway a few times with another adult, I drove today with my 2 kids and I seemed to do okay until ride back, so I called my boyfriend of 5 years. That usually helps me too. I hope this helps. Also I have been telling people on here about caffeine, I noticed since I don't drink caffeine or hot drinks my anxiety has gotten a lot better. Also sleep and stress, make sure you are getting enough sleep and less stress which maybe hard to do for some.
You have to get back out in the car again. Avoidance will only reinforce the negative perception of driving. Start out with someone sitting in the backseat while you drive. Then once that is comfortable try going around the block alone. And then add a block as you meet your goals.
Yes you can do this !
I am in my 50s and when I drive I have the panic feeling come thru .. just keep playing the same tape over and over in your mind and it goes away pretty quick for me ..
I say it's just that panicky feeling going on and I just focus on my breathing . Deep breath and tell my self float breathe . I start focusing on the road what I'm doing .. move into the panic it won't stop you or kill you . REMEMBERED WELLNESS is a key ...think about when you've had it before and how well you did and how it Alwsys pasts
Im so sorry I never responded to you but Somehow lost this website when I got my new phone. Hope your doing well !!!