Can’t seem to sleep and I’ve got to wake up in2 hours for work. My mind just keep thinking about stuff and I’m not falling asleep. Is something wrong with me.
Can’t sleep : Can’t seem to sleep and I... - Anxiety and Depre...
Can’t sleep

Hi there! I can't sleep either. I have horrible insomnia. Nothing wrong with you. I get racing thoughts running thru my head all the time!! Its my bipolar2 causing it
Hey I know it’s horrible. Mine have improved since I changed my diet and avoid caffeine. Are you on any treatment. Hope you feel better. I had bad anxiety but it’s a bit better now. However I still get attacks sometimes. I guess it doesn’t permanently go away.
Yea I've got insomnia but I drank coffee earlier cause I was craving it really bad. So its my fault tonight for not being able to get any sleep!! Lol. I'm so glad your able to get rest now. Sleep is a wonderful thing. Glad your anxiety went away. Mines so bad I don't leave my condo. Mine never goes away either!!!
I feel you... it's 5:53am in the morning and haven't slept yet. I get insomnia from OCD/anxiety. have you tried melatonin pills? I heard they can work alright.
I don't believe so, I have trouble with sleep also! I wish you peace & sleep!!!

Thank you. Wish you the best.
Hi! There is nothing wrong with you. I have the same problem. I'm up most of the night thinking about all the things I don't wanna think about. I haven't really found anything that works for me yet. Sometimes my reprieve is work cause I'll come home from a 12 hour shift and I'm exhausted So I'll crash out for a few hours. I just started therapy so I'm hoping talking about whats been going on will help me to sleep better. I'm so used to bottling everything up inside. I think it finally caught up to me and I'm learning to not hold things in. I hope you can find something to help you sleep! Have a good day at Work!
I bottle things too. It’s the worse. I’m trying to open up but it’s hard. I’ve tried herbal teas and decaf and it helps I try to watch what I eat too cuz certain food can affect your sleep if you eat it before you sleep. Thanks for listening 🙏🏼
Anytime you need someone to listen to I'm always ready to listen! It's hard to open up I struggle with that to. But getting better because I know it'll make me feel better to get things out.
I'm glad herbal teas and decaf help you out. I gotta try the same. I sometimes break down and eat some heavy foods before bed because of my depression. I'm trying to not do that as well as cut back on my tea and sugar a couple hours before bed. Sometimes it's hard. I cut out soda and alcohol though. I love my peach tea though!! Thanks for listening to me! I hope you have a great Saturday!
My friend nothing is wrong with you, I have lots of those nights...I think alot of us do. Especially with anxiety and stress. I hope you get some good rest after work and have a much better sleep night. I'll pray for you my friend...for a calm peaceful mind and soul. Hugs from afar to you 💕🤗😇👭
no I used to be the same way. At one point I would sleep all day and be up all night. Tv after midnight before on demand exsisted was awful.