I can't find any support group for ppl with bipolar. Does anyone know if there is? Does anyone have the up and downs and mood swings of bipolar 2? I just don't want to feel alone cause no one in my family deals with this except my dad that passed away. He had bipolar 1 and never took meds. I can't live happy without them! Most days I'm happy due to moving to my new place in utah. First place I've never been embarrassed of where I live. Unfortunately still have slight mood swings. Can anyone relate? I'd love to hear from you. Just feeling alone with,this!! Have a wonderful Friday๐๐๐๐
Bipolar 2: I can't find any support... - Anxiety and Depre...
Bipolar 2

I went to communities but couldnโt find a group for bipolar. I have bipolar 1 and would be happy to talk about it with you.
Do the meds help with your bipolar? I'm on Geodon and lamictal for it which keeps me sane as much as possible lol!๐
I'm sorry your dealing with it to. Its tough living with it cause like when I'm around family I feel like I don't belong. No one in my family gets what I deal with on a daily basis. Its a lonely feeling!!
I donโt know if mine help really. Iโm on Lithium and Zyprexa.
I feel grateful cause the meds help a lot. I've never tried those. I have epilepsy and so many meds cause seizures so I'm limited on what I can take.
So glad they help you
Me too but still feel like a basket case. I barely made my walk today but did it anyway. The anxiety is so unbearable. How you feeling today?
Great job Lovedogs!!! Iโm so proud of ya! I ran and skated again today...but shortly after having a LOT of anxiety. So I havenโt taken my anti anxiety pills for weeks for fear that ithey are what is causing my hair to fall out in clumps but took a pill just today recently cause I felt just couldnโt take the pain any longer. I felt I was on the verge of reeeeaaally bad times.
Thank you! You skated today how cool!! Do you have rollerblades? I've got brand new skates but havent been able to use them yet. Hope to use them soon. I just love rollerblading! Its so much fun๐๐ I'm sorry your losing hair. I've lost a lot to. Does the anti anxiety make hair fall out? My seizure med causes hair loss. Its just terrible isn't it.
I used my sonโs skateboard. It was fun !!! I need practice ๐!!! Rollerblading sounds like fun too!
Yeah I donโt know what is causing the hair loss. Stress, meds, heredity??? Sorry you deal with that too with your seizure med but if it keeps you safe from having seizures itโs worth it for sure.
Thatโs cool- brand new skates... let me know when you try them out? I bet youโll have a good ol happy skating experience. ๐
I just lost a long message so now I have to start over. Skateboarding sounds like fun but kinda hard. I bet your good at it. Hair loss sux for sure. Smoking causes my hair to fall out. Man I want to quit!! A few months ago I had a brain bleed from getting a concussion while having a seizure. The headaches were so intense. Glad its over and healed. Yeah I can't wait to go skating. Fun fun in the ๐
Iโm so sorry. Must have been frightening having the seizure and brain bleed and Iโm so glad u r ok! So maybe your seizure med isnโt working as well as it should.
The med works I think I missed a dose cause that always triggers a seizure. I'm so tired of not driving. Wish I had a car so I could feel free. Having to ride a scooter is embarrassing cause I'm out in the open. Talk about severe anxiety. Omg its scary. I'm sorry I'm rambling on and on.
No you are not rambling. I know the feeling of wanting to feel free. I drive but I pick and choose where I can drive to since some are just to much too far, too fast, will send me in panic.
I know that exposure feeling too. I donโt like anyone looking at me. I donโt like running into strangers or ones I know on the streets. Yeah we try to hide... in the rain ( the rain is like a natural shelter), wearing glasses and hats, yeah.
I get anxiety mostly due to ppl staring at me for long periods. Ppl in the cars while driving by will still be staring and look over the shoulder still staring. Its the most awful feeling. I start saying how disgusting I look cause why would they stare so long if,I'm so ugly. I'm glad you understand what its like. I don't feel so alone cause you understand how awful it, is too๐
How do you spend your day? I just sit and watch,tv all day and night. Going outside is just so scary. I have no life.
I have appointments a lot, I clean, plan and organize kiddos events and help out at the school sometimes, cook, pack lunches, make sure they get their meds, blah blah make sure homework is done, play with and watch kiddos play, rest, take care of pets, help care for my mom, come here,read, exercise ,do art , right now Iโm watching A Gifted Man series about a neurosurgeon.
But you just got out not too long ago. I know it can feel really scary.
Oh wow your a busy gal. I don't want to take up so much of your time. If your watching tv I can let you go. How many kids do you have? I bet they are really great kids! What pets do you have dogs or cats?
Sorry your pet passed. Oh I see your beautiful dog! How old in that pic?
I have a big puppy, our cat passed away in March., fish and a crippled bird.
Oh forgot to tell you- my kids are 22, 10 and 6, all boys.
That's cool your a strong lady having all boys. I bet your a great mom. What breed is your puppy? I'm a huge lover of big dogs!!๐ That's so cool you have a variety of pets. I'm so jealous! I would do anything for a rescue dog!! My parents just came over to bring me my old scooter but instead of it they bought me a brand new one costing $1700. I don't deserve this. My family always takes care of me and I want to take care of them. I'm beyond grateful.
Thanks I try so hard to be a good mom. Itโs everything to me.
Enjoy your new scooter! You deserve it. What sweet parents!
My pup is half Australian Shepherd and Labrador Retrievers we think.. a rescue dog. She is 9 months.
Omg that's so awesome!!! Both really wonderful breeds! I'm jealous! Dogs make ppl better and happier. I just love dogs so much. Yeah my parents are beyond wonderful. I still can't believe it! They are always taking care of me. I need to get life in order. I can tell your very active with your boys. Very cool
I guess your parents live nearby , thatโs awesome.
Yeah dogs do make people better. I love people who love animals.
Love ppl that love animals! My parents are only 30 minutes away. Been in Vegas 5 years with no family around. When moving to Utah its been a wonderful feeling to have family close again.
That's starting to be me. In bed most days. Hate going outside it's cold and dark in Ohio anyway
Yea I totally understand cause I used to live in WA state and it rainy, cold and dark dark so depressing there. Moved to Vegas for 5 years and the sun and cool ppl got me out a little bit more. Now in sucky Utah. Ugh!!! But yea being in bed is hard. I lived that way my whole life. Talk about depressing. Wasted my life. Its gone now!!!
when I was looking for this group, I found another site that may be of interest to you:
It sure can be a lonely disease! People become frustrated as I do because they never know who their going to get. I have bipolar1. Am I going to be the outgoing guy or the depressed one. Because of my meds my highs aren't so high and my lows aren't so low but they are still there. I've often wondered why there's not a group for bipolar too!
I think this group has the most interaction I've seen compared to all others I have been on, so your more likely to get responses here, it's okay I think to address what ever because all of us are like a mixed bag anyways...I have CPTSD, depression, anxiety, abandonment issues, and am in addition recovery, child abuse...etc.
Hi there thanks for the message. I feel so alone in my family cause I know they are wondering how am I going to be day to day. Bad mood or happy one like you said. Like you I take two meds for it and it makes it easier to deal with it. Not the extremes like you said.
I have Bipolar 2 as well. I typically swing down into a deep depression when I have my mood swings and it can come totally from left field. I can be fine one minute and the next I'm down. I've been taking Latuda going on three years now, as well as other meds for focus and anxiety. I'm presently at a good place. I haven't had a hard downward swing in over a month now. But it is an extremely lonely feeling. My husband has been an amazing support system, but even he says, "I can't understand what you're going through, I can't imagine what it feels like." But he's always there. But having some others to talk to who do understand would be helpful. I'm really struggling with exercise. I know it will help, but I'm having the hardest time getting motivated to do it regularly. I work from home, so unless the husband wants to go out to dinner or a movie, I don't do much but stay at home. I was in a meeting with a financial counselor on Friday and he asked pointedly what I did for fun and I had no answer. He asked twice and I just don't. I used to sew, I used to read, I used to do a lot of things, but due to other medical issues, a lot of that isn't viable anymore. I can't drive at night so going out in the evenings by myself is out of the question, unfortunately. Anyway, long-winded post is long. Just wanted to say you're not alone!
Yea I'm just like you. My meds help a lot like your do. Thank God for that cause I was so angry and was suicidal everyday,while growing,up in deptessing Washington state. Moving to the desert has been so much better. No depression like back home. Feels wonderful. Its great to hear that your husband really supports you. So many don't. Like you my family supports me but have no clue on the difficulties associated with mental illness. I rarely go outside even for walks. I feel extreme anxiety if I do leave my home. Only leave for food or Drs appts. i don't ever go out at night ever. If I was ever asked to I'd say no way!! Horrible living this way. Thank you for the message cause it helped a lot.
I'm glad it helped. As your message did for me. It's amazing how moving affects you. Mine didn't start up until after I moved away from home. My mom and I are really close so that was hard to leave her. My dad and I had a toxic relationship and after he passed away three years ago, I crumbled not knowing how to deal. It brought up past trauma and all the repressing I'd been doing for 30+ years spiraled out of control. I've even been working with a Reiki master on top of my meds and therapy and it's made more of a difference than I thought it would.
We are a lot alike as my mom and I are close too. When I moved out of WA I moved to Vegas. Was there all alone and had no car to get around. It was frightening cause all of my family was in WA. Going to Vegas was great. Loved it. Just moved here to St George Utah a month ago. Parents just moved to hurricane, Utah a few months ago. Finally having them only 30 minutes away is just awesome. I missed my mom after not seeing her but once a year cause she comes to Vegas with my aunt to gamble. Other than that I had to figure out how to get around which is so hard without a vehicle. I totally understand when you say you miss your mom too. So sorry to hear that your dad passed. I never got along with my real dad. I've been blessed with having a wonderful stepdad since I was 3 years old. So happy to hear all that,your doing is making you feel great!! I had finally after living in Vegas for like 3 years my aunt bought,me a scooter to get around Vegas. Helped so much. My parents turned in it and bought me a brand new one for 1700 bucks! I couldn't believe,it. My family is really supportive and caring. I'm very,blessed to be from such a loving family. Thanks so much for your great messages. Super helpful and yea I don't feel so alone!!!๐๐๐
Ive just been diagnosed with bipolar 2 I'm 54 years old and nobody told me this is my entire life? I think sometimes my psychiatrist is just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. I'm glad you're mostly happy I'm mostly not