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My Treatment, i am left with no answers from healthcare section.

Jack80feb profile image
25 Replies

I am taking Quetiapine 100mg and Mirtazapine 45mg because of how i feel, people think i have bipolar because i was prescribed these by a Psychiatrist in 2018 i recently seen a new Psychiatrist and he said no no Bioplar is your down all the time cause i said my moods are up and down and al over the place Rapid Mood Swings i have had this for over 15 years, i think he is wrong in what he says, he increased my Quetiapine which is primarally for Quetiapine is an antipsychotic medication that treats mental health conditions including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, he said i have something siliar to bipolar, the mental health team are making me feel even worst why so hard to diagnos me as Bipolar there so quick to diagnose me with something simliar it is crazy some of these Psychiatrist mean't to help people but seems they just guess at wht you have.

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25 Replies

sometimes it’s like the pros are throwing darts.

I manic episodes?

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Any manic episodes?

Jack80feb profile image
Jack80feb in reply to

high energy, excitement, and euphoria told doctors this they just um and r they don't no what to say or do just guess work, but there guess work is making me even worse.

in reply to Jack80feb

Certainly qualifies as a huge indicator that you have mania. Your description is similar to how I would describe.

My take also that many providers are not as proficient with the manic side. Either diagnosing or treating .

Maybe keep searching for both the therapist and a psychiatrist is more proficient in that area. Look on Google and see if anybody says that they are expert in it . Also in my area there is a a non profit that took me a while to find it , that helps you find specific doctors for your needs.

Jack80feb profile image
Jack80feb in reply to

Hi this is the NHS Mental health team and NHS psychiatrist who are mean't to be helping me there making things worse, they write down wrong dates that i tell them, it just cause's me more mental stress, plus i ahve mental health in my family and i have been suffering getting worse and worse over the years, i don't sleep very good and they won't even prescibe me zopiclone, suffering for years with al of this, so who qualifys for the medications, mental health service where i am is not good, i was brough up with manners and to respect people when i see the menatl health team they jdge how i am dressed and how i talk even though i am telling them that i am in hell, they judge by just there eyes and not what i am telling them, i have done CBT and DBT no good for me they don't work. Thanks for the info.

I’m bi pol. Tired I tell you more later bud about my experiences

blackcat64013 profile image


I am confident that having lived experience of mental health makes us an expert in our life over time. As patients, we are more than symptoms listed in the DSM-5.

Health professionals are supposed to put us front and centre in treatment planning.

A psychiatrist or two have not been a good fit with me, so I have tried someone else.

Do you have someone who could come to an appointment with you to make sure you are heard.

If they know about your struggles, they might be able to report their observations to give the psych some additional information to go on.

With someone by your side, you might feel braver to tell him/her honestly of your concerns posted here. Sometimes this works well and then you both on the same page.

Meeemeeee profile image

In my experience of MHP they seem to wait quite a long time before they give a definite diagnosis. I think it's because they want to be sure that they diagnose correctly. Perhaps this new Dr is doing this. Also quetipine is also used to treat depression as its a mood stabiliser. Have you had any psychosis with the depression? BPD also presents with mood swings and depression and a lot of times takes ages to diagnose. How are the MHT making you feel worse? Are the brushing you off or not helping you? If they are you need to put in a complaint if it's making you feel worse. The budgets for mental health are rubbish so the MHT are having to concentrate on those who are really mentally unwell at the time and when they are stable and taking meds and those who are already stable and taking their meds are pushed to the back of the queue. Its not right and very unfair.

Jack80feb profile image
Jack80feb in reply to Meeemeeee

Thank you for your reply i have a history of mental health in my family my older Brother has schizophrenia he takes no antidepressants just his olanzapine, but when he was firsy diagnosed they gave him quetipine, i am on 100mg quetipine 45 mirtazipine, this is how i feel 90% of the time i am depressed i get occasions where i feel excited and feel hypoeractive, i do one thing then staright away rush to another its like my body has speeded up plus i have a starnge fuzzy feeling thriugh out my whole body, i do not sleep even if i have done something tireing i am awake all night until after 4am, but even then when i do finally fall asleep im awake 2 hours later, so i feel full of energy sometimes then that energy disappears and i am just down most of the time, the sleeping is very bad on my mental state. My mood are up and down i can be very nasty and snappy to the point i am screaming, i do self harm have done since 2009, they even ignore that about me, when they do a report they miss alot of stuff out including my self harm, im not doing it for attention, but they make me feel like i am. The Psychiatrist i seen said Bipolar is that your down all the time, because i told him about my moods being up and down, my racing mind and thoughts that keep repeating in my mind, he shut me down everything i said he disagreed with, he is wrong about Bipolar saying that people who have it are just down all the time, there all guessing one Psychiatrist said i have personality disorder another one said something like Emotional something i neber listend to him i just walked out, and the cheeky person said see you in a few Months time, Mental health help is a joke.

in reply to Jack80feb

Don’t know anything about self harm but what you describe sounds like rapid cycling which I had but found help with a med dose increase

Your doc sounds like a knucklehead. What the hell does he think bi polar means? Polar opposites dumb ass

Jack80feb profile image
Jack80feb in reply to

So you agree that Polar is up and down moods ? See the kind of Doctors i am dealing with, it's discrination denying me a correct diagnoses,i have nothiced all doctors and Psychiatrist are the same i don't want to say to much cause might get in trouble, but they are all the same i googled Quietiapine and 90% it is used for Bipolar

in reply to Jack80feb

hey Jack it’s not easy but you need to keep working to find an empathetic psychiatrist. I did find one in the LA area but it took me and I was one for five or six that was really good and empathetic at the same time. Yours doesn’t understand that bipolar is both depressive and manic. Both ends of the spectrum is really not very good. I’m sorry. Keep looking. Stay patient. You’ll find one.

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I apologize for my text and typing Jack. I just put my dad into hospice today and I’m exhausted mostly from it but I felt it important to respond to you.

Jack80feb profile image
Jack80feb in reply to

Just found out 1 Phychatrist said i had something similar to Bipolar disorder called emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD) personality disorder another on said i looked at the symptoms of and thye gave me diagnoses becasue emotionally unstable personality disorder list self harm as a systom, i still disagree i have more in common with Bipolar i will keep fighting it as well sen 1 Phychrtrist twice with a phone appointment and 1 with just one with a face to face and they diagnose me so quick, heartless Doctors they are they effect peoples life's in a bad way.

in reply to Jack80feb

Hey Jack

Well it sounds like you are battling and you keep trying to make your diagnosis more solid. I’m a solution oriented person, and without that solid diagnosis, well, as much as we can get in this mental health arena, then how can we really go about finding solutions that may be of help.

You’re on the right track. It can be exhausting. It can be frustrating. Stay strong Find that diagnosis that you feel good about . it took three months to diagnose so just a doctor saying right away because of self harm, I would be leery of that also.

So once you feel confident that then go about finding solutions. Duh huh

Anything I can do to help. Anything! I’m here for you.

Much love


Meeemeeee profile image

It definitely is a joke. Can you get in contact with mind or rethink mental health charities? I know you can email them and I think they do live chat. They are very good with helping people who have bad mental health. They could advise you on what steps you can take to get your voice heard by your MHT or point you in the right direction to those who can help. I'm sorry your suffering through this I hope you get the help you need.

Beevee profile image

I agree that diagnosis is something of a guessing game and probably the reason why there are so many different types of medication.

What I do know is that all the different types of anxiety given labels by the medical profession are just different variations of the same condition. I say this because anxiety, OCD, agoraphobia, GAD, social & health anxiety all have the same root cause and that is fear or fearing the feelings of fear.

People stay stuck in the cycle because they fear the feelings of fear which creates the very symptoms that frighten the sufferer!

If you are looking for advice, look up Dr Claire Weekes on the Internet, absorb what she says and practice her teachings so that it becomes second nature. If you follow her teachings, recovery is inevitable.

Anxiety symptoms vary greatly and likely that no two sufferers will experience identical symptoms. I have long held a theory that bipolar is just another variation of anxiety and a reflection of the ups and downs that go with it.

Anxiety sufferers have mood swings going from relative calmness to show stopping panic attacks. Overwhelming bouts of irritation, Despising things or situations, avoiding people obe dsy, fine the next. Jekyll & Hyde if you like.

These are just different symptoms and all caused by anxiety and sensitisation of the involuntary nervous system that control emotions.

Hope this helps.

Beevee profile image

Sorry that you have been suffering for so long but take confort when i say that recovery is waiting to happen.

I strongly recommend that you read Essential Help for your Nerves by Dr Claire Weekes. This book will answer many of your questions as to how you arrived at the point to are at and how to reverse the process and recover.

It will take time and you may be surprised to learn that there may not be too much wrong with you other than fearing the symptoms of anxiety and that the reason you have suffered for so long is because you are constantly trying to get better and not accepting your current state. Struggling against the symptoms creates more stress, producing more fearful symptoms, more stress and so on.

Only when you stop searching for answers and stop trying to get better will the symptoms fade and disappear altogether.

I have posted alot of information on this forum about my recovery by following the contents of that book that might be beneficial to you.

Best wishes ❤️

Well, I didn’t know it at the time, but started for me at 24 years old, living in Hawaii with my fiancé and running my business and depression hit me big time. I was clueless to mental health, so I was self-medicating with booze and some drugs Couldn’t kick it so we decided to sell everything and move back to Southern California. the depression subsided greatly, and I went moving along and started another business until 1995 when anxiety hit a massive way and still clueless about mental health I did get to see a psychiatrist and get a little bit of help but he didn’t say I was positive bipolar or nothing he just gave me .5 mg of Klonopin and sent me on my way saying it was not addictive and my wife unfortunately talked me off of that and I went the next 6-8 years with nothing and I tried to figure it out through my environment. Change my work I work for a lot of really really high-end clientele and it was stressful And I got nothing but resistance there so I finally just broke down totally in 2010 and found out I was bipolar. Something very strange happened in 2005 where I had I was out walking my dog and I had like a zap where I thought it was God coming into my life maybe it was but it said go out and help people and I had this huge euphoric feeling and it lasted another four or five years very outside of the norm of a manic episode for most people Such a powerful force of my life I started an nonprofit helped f thousands of people in schools and a ton of stuff for the next five years until I crashed 2010 . The next five years after being diagnosed in 2010 as bipolar mildly mind you, but it had been accentuated by resistance from family, friends and my company to help me find solutions. I then experienced the depression, the back end of the manic episode that was a ungodly. Absolutely awful, no meds no therapy no nothing helped and in 2016 I did find a new psychiatrist that was empathetic. Talk to me for 50 minutes every session and we found lithium to help with the depression and nothing was helping with anxiety until 2022 so I went to a hospital and Got everything changed around and now I’m 90% free on both the depression and the anxiety and ruminations. Also, I’ve I’ve had low self-esteem associated with this since I was young kid it’s taking a lot for me to overcome that, but I have to a certain extent and was successful in my companies and nonprofit . My brain works very very fast strong. It’s very hard not have me over, powered with it with ruminations of bad things, so that’s this bipolar guy.

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before the med change in 2022. I definitely experience a lot of rapid cycling. Mood changes all the time. Once I went to the hospital October in 20 22 and they change everything I came off of that with a three month pretty serious manic episode that was kind of ugly in nature because I never did get any family members to want to help me in anyway so was all my own

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Been balanced and fairly normal if you will for 12 months. I’ve just recently put my dad in hospice. It’s been very stressful and I’m not having any adverse reactions so I’m very hopeful and encourage that my deep dark days are behind me.

Meeemeeee profile image

Hi, just wondering if you've gotten any where with the problems you were having with your diagnosis/ MHT ?

Jack80feb profile image
Jack80feb in reply to Meeemeeee

Hello been diagnosed with servear EUPD that's emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD) , but i stil think i have Bipolar, very kind of you to ask how i am, i hope you are ok.

Meeemeeee profile image

Hi. I'm glad you've finally got a diagnosis at least it's a start. They might change it to bipolar in time or add bipolar to your diagnosis as I know they did with an acquaintance of mine who had similar symptoms to what you have. I'm OK thanks 😊 and you're welcome.

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