Finally Almost Out Of The Black Tunne... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Finally Almost Out Of The Black Tunnel. ANother life update.

EduardoHors3 profile image
12 Replies

Today I was reading the first post that I posted here which was almost half a year ago! I couldn't help, but wonder how far I've come. I battled the typical fibromyalgia, insomnia, and depression as well as job loss and a temporary illness. I recall being at home isolated wondering where I would get my next check from or where I would go from where I was. I felt alone socially and emotionally. Thankfully I have a wonderful family to help support me. Without them or the encouragement that I have received from this site I don't think I would've gotten far.

I started working a part time or two and decided to test the waters. I ended up not liking what I was doing so instead of settling for less like I always have I patiently waited until the right opportunity appeared. Fast forward to the present... I finally found something that is in sync with my heart and soul. I started working at a pharmacy not too long ago. The pay is not very high, but just socializing with random people and having a great crew to work with has really helped with my social anxiety and my depression. I see a lot of people that I once went to school with or worked with. Sometimes I see people that I forgot I have met. As strange as it sounds it's like watching my whole life pass before my eyes. The relations I have made along the way are all part of me and they all gather in that one place. My favorite part is making people smile and helping out the elders search for things. It's the little things like that that keep me going as a person. So I am also working as a caregiver / housekeeper for a very interesting and intellectual elder man. It's funny how much you can learn from someone much older than you. There's always something fun to do or talk about like where in the world this person has traveled the world (literally) or where he wants to travel next. We are both bonded by our love for history and humanity. I suppose at the end of the day life works like a magnet. You attract to you personalities that reflect your internal vibrations. I found this to always be true for me.

If everything works out okay I think I would like to get back to school by August. I have decided that something in Massage Therapy would suit me well. In the past I feared choosing that career because I thought it was more of a female job, but at the end of the day anyone can thrive in any field regardless of age or gender. I am opened to the idea of starting my own business and helping others with nerve and muscular related issues. As someone with Fibro I can totally relate and also I have always being told that I have a gentle touch. While I am waiting for that period to start I have already taking the initiative to get an online certification in nutrition and fitness. Within 5 months I should finally be certified and be able to use that if and when I burn out in the future.

It's like I am finally almost out of the black tunnel. It's all about taking chances and staying positive. I like to believe that I can bend my reality and create the picture that I want. As long as I stay true to myself and away from unwanted distractions my mind will be clear and my soul will be pure. I don't party when everyone else is. I sleep and read and wake early in the mornings to go to the gym. I take cold showers, mediate, and pray. This way of thinking and living has kept me going for long. But thats another story. If you made it this far thank you for reading. I would like to hear from you and get to know anything about where you are at in life. Stay a warrior friend :)

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EduardoHors3 profile image
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12 Replies

I'm so happy for you! It's now to time to take a bow, I applaud you! I still have many challenges yet I will not stop or ever give up!

Love & Warm hugs for you!!! XXX

EduardoHors3 profile image
EduardoHors3 in reply to

Please don't ever stop. I am still fighting the good fight, and I am only half way the mountain, but once I reach the top I'd like for you to be by my side and help me bring others up there as well :)

in reply to EduardoHors3

Well I'll take you up on that deal!!! Things are going to change for me soon, hopefully, I'll have my house back to me & hubby, i'm so thrilled! The Zen will be back in my house! So my friend I will be by your side! Big warm hugs for you!!! XXX

Aspergirl47 profile image

Thanks for your lovely positive gives others hope...:) I myself have always wanted to study Complementary Therapy but with chronic anxiety and Aspergers its very difficult...maybe some day I will....your post has made me smile...:) Hugs x

EduardoHors3 profile image
EduardoHors3 in reply to Aspergirl47

Thank you. Please don't give up on your dreams. With Fibromyalgia I find it difficult to always be energetic and my genetics aren't the best, but I decided to try and get a certification in fitness online anyways. Remember sometimes you just have to disregard everything else and just make it happen :) *fist bump*

Aspergirl47 profile image
Aspergirl47 in reply to EduardoHors3

Hey EduardoHors3.....Thank u....Was wondering if u can tell me what fibro is and how it affects u ? I'm wondering if I have it...been out a walk today but can only manage 15 mins without feeling exhausted and sort of staggering and pulling to the left....I also have like burning pain running down back of legs and back and legs feel really tight....Appreciated..I try to study the subject at home...reading etc....that's great u still went for the certificate in fitness...good subject to study for your overall health :) xx

EduardoHors3 profile image
EduardoHors3 in reply to Aspergirl47

Yes. Fibromyalgia varies from person to person. Personally for me I feel exhausted most of the times. It leads me to wonder if it could be Chronic Fatigue, but at the end of the day I think they're the same thing. Yes there's this burning sensation spreading through your muscles; specially during extreme weather or very overtaxing activities. I also have food sensitivities, light and noise sensitivities, and short term memory. If you don't rest well you tend to hurt 10 times more than usual. The worst part for me is being too cold or too hot all the times. With Fibro you have to live by rules and learn to work your way around life. How long has your problem persisted? Honestly from personal experience a doctor will not know when you have Fibromyalgia. You will just know. I would like to sometime soon go to a cardiologist just to make sure my fatigue is not heart related. Have you done anything that you can remember that may have lead to a tear or a pulled muscle?

LRobichaux profile image

Good sound advice... the things you are doing now in your life. Thanks for sharing. Suffering from anxiety/depression. This morning was the first morning in months that I did not feel so so awful! I socialized last night with a group of women (playing cards) that I’ve been avoiding. Felt good to get out away from kids and husband and usual day to day tasks. I finally feel like there is hope.

EduardoHors3 profile image
EduardoHors3 in reply to LRobichaux

I am so happy to be able to understand and relate to you. I know that I have to really push myself too just to socialize and have a conversation with old friends and people in general. I think the idea of breaking routine is great! It's good to try new things and mix it up a bit. Whether it's driving a different route home or just doing things differently I know from experience that it keeps you more sane. The last thing that I like to do before bed is grab a notebook and pencil and write down the things that I know must be completed like going to work or washing the dishes. Then I like to start planning and writing the things that I would like to do once I'm done with the main tasks such as taking a walk at the park, going to the library, or visiting an old friend. If you could do the same it may help you see things differently. Finally I just want to say that with depression we tend to have a pessimistic view on everything. It's easier said than done, but sometimes we have to pretend to be the person that we want to be until we turn into that person. Think, act, and talk like the person that you want to be. I've yet to master that skill, but I'm working on it :) I really am glad that things are looking better for you. Stay motivated!

b1b1b1 profile image

Well done you!

Rpan profile image

Thanks for the post. So much hope. Your hard work is clearly paying off. Great job!!

Hang in there...

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