Anxiety gone but depression is at its... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Anxiety gone but depression is at its peak!

7 Replies

Anxiety and depression are two different anomalies one makes you feel the other doesn't my anxiety may have subsided which I am so grateful for but im actually and sadly starting to miss at least with my anxiety and panic attacks tlit forced me to express myself, to cry, to scream, but since I've overcome it depression has come back and is really kicking my ass and I can't seem to get from underneath it this time within the last week I've been having thoughts of death and suicide and cutting, I've never experienced that before, but I wasnt overwhelmed by it. Nor was I scared which is the problem I've gotten comfortable with ending it all, im sick of people's envious and unnecessary ways, I'm sick of sneaky and caniving people, people who gossip, lie, destroy, I'm sick of people destroying the earth, I'm sick of seeing conflict, I'm sick of the divide we have amongst one another, I'm sick of chaos, I'm sick of people living off or depending too much on other people, I'm sick of families ceasing to be families. I'm overall just so damn tired of it all, if it's gods will I hope he keeps me here long, but I really don't see it ending up that way. All I can do at this point is pray but I'm honestly ready to leave and go home to my real home.

7 Replies
Stan_K profile image

What’s up Keejay. I went through Depression back in November of 2015 and managed to rid myself of it by late March of 2016. I did t even know if hat was wrong with me until I started watching videos on YouTube. LO and behold on March of this year, depression cane rumbling back into my life. Like you, my anxiety has gone done a whole lot but depression is a completely different anomaly 😔 After reading your post, I understood exactly how you felt and I know why it’s happening. It’s stress. We are already under enough stress as it is and dealing with other people’s(ways) doesn’t help anything. Stress does so much more to our bodies than we know. The crazy thing about depression is that it makes us emotionless. There are no happy feelings, which makes you think even more negatively than you already were, you can’t stand be around people, loud noises irritate you, can’t watch tv or read, etc. it sucks. I had to learn how to live MY life and stop thinking, worrying, or entertaining everyone else’s(ways, issues) and get myself better. Believe it or not, I started exercising, and taking Omega Fish Oil and I feel a whole lot better. My advice: if you can, change your schedule, get out and exercise(jog, go for long walks, I bought a drone to play with which keeps me busy 🤷‍♂️lol), and you’ll start to feel a lot better. Hope this helps 👍

in reply to Stan_K

Thanks Stan just the fact that you understood what I was going through put me at ease, sad to say I'm trying my best to stray away from it and live a healthier lifestyle but it seems as if the prospects of this beautiful world that I know for a fact and can't help but give my full attention to is burdening it, won't let me, id like to believe that God allows it because he knows its what makes you stronger, but I am just overall tired. Hopefully it does change and I do get better tho, just please pray for me man

gerg profile image

I hear what you are saying. I use the negative things in my world as a reference point. If everything was good in my world I would no longer appreciate good. Good things stand out in my world because of the negative things. I accept the bad things and pay my attention to the good things.

Marz21 profile image
Marz21 in reply to gerg

This is such a good way to look at things, sound advice

Marshall64 profile image

Regarding other people, just remember that we can only control what is two feet around us, meaning we can't control other people. I struggle with this to and telling myself that I can't control other people and that I should not let what others say or do bother me had helped me.

Adding to what others have suggested, are you a spiritual person? That puts things in perspective for me.

in reply to Marshall64

Thx and yes I am a very spiritual person

EmLee96 profile image

are you on medicine for your anxiety and depression? sadly these two disorders often go hand in hand and sometimes when you find a medicine for one it messes with the other due to some side affects of medicine being worsening depression or anxiety. if you are taking it, clarify with your doctor that you have both illnesses because they can be treated with different medicines (depression with SSRIs and anxiety with benzos).

i think it would also be beneficial to have someone to talk to during this time too- someone who you can ask all of these questions and maybe vent a little.

personally, i think your anxiety is running into your depression here. a part of anxiety is worrying about others and the world around you, which is something that we cannot control. so when we stress about it, it brings up all of these "why" questions that we can't answer nor solve. it is something that you just have to tell yourself that you have no control over, but that you do have control over yourself and what you can do to help yourself overcome this.

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