First time here. I have suffered from severe depression and anxiety for most of my life. I have worked with counselors, doctors, and psychiatrists to manage it but in the end I quit, knowing nothing will fix me. I have consistently taken my meds for the last 3 years without stopping (using different doses of Prozac for the last 15 years), with the support of my hubs and it does help keep me from self harm but I cannot form true friendships and I feel like I'm slipping back into that place is social isolation. My husband thinks I should go back to counseling but time is difficult to find. I'm hoping to find understanding and help here without making an appointment. I just want to know it will be okay.
Wanting to know it's alright. - Anxiety and Depre...
Wanting to know it's alright.

Thank you. It sucks to always feel so alone.
Well, hello.....what has happened to you today? What happened to put you in such a fun,k? You are asking me for something I don't have the power over.....guaranteeing everything is going to be alright. But looks like you have been handling things yourself for quite awhile. Not easy, is it. Understand.
I took a deep breath this morning when I woke up. Just didn't want to deal with anything.....guess I was looking for someone to answer your question for me too. Get tired of the pills, tired of trying to be pleasant with my health insurance that doesn't want to approve my care, want to tell them to exchange lives with me so they would understand how I feel.
Give a reply back if you want to "talk" a little,ok?
Good insight, not about getting older.....but that it's difficult to have people to talk to, no matter what age. I have a difficult time in enclosed areas, like a grocery store as the isles don't have a place to turn until you get to the end, and they are stacked so high I feel trapped.
Guess we just keep going on, and trying, and sometimes we succeed. I got up the nerve today to contact a neighbor to ask if he and his wife would like to go to dinner sometime with my husband and me. Expected some sort of excuse.....but he was enthusiastic...That shocked the heck out of me. His wife works and he's retired and bored as heck. I had no idea.
I'm virtually "housebound" at the moment as my insurance company is screwing with my health care for chronic pain, and my service dog passed over 9 months ago and I fall. That rules out walking the neighborhood.
The meds to help control the chronic pain really makes driving a very bad choice. Rules out everything else.
So, sometimes I have to remind myself if I stick my neck out, it doesn't always get chopped off!
I responded to your kind suggestions and then my computer screen literally "floated" around and my very fine response was gone.....just too late reconstruct it and I need to go to bed