Lately I’ve been noticing I have the urge to run away or escape somehow. It’s not about taking a vacation or actually physically leaving where I am, but I just want time without the worry, the self doubt, the guilt, and the pressure. I want to take a vacation from my problems but I know that’s not exactly an option. Meditation, mindfulness and all of that is always an option but I just wish I could stop everything at least for a little bit. It’s exhausting being in my head sometimes. I have a therapist but I’m still not 100% honest with my thoughts in sessions. That perfectionist in me still wants to make a good impression, even with her. I want to escape. I wish I could take a true vacation from all of those things that weigh on me. I just want a mental break.
Wanting to escape : Lately I’ve been... - Anxiety and Depre...
Wanting to escape

That’s actually common for all humans. It’s called l’appel du vide. It’s called the ‘call of the void’. Life can be so hectic for everyone that sometimes we just want the train to stop so we can get off. This is no longer considered suicidal ideation. This is stress. I like to put foam ear buds in and lie on my bed with a pillow over my head for 15 minutes. Take some self care private time somehow.
Byelka, I can't count how many times I wanted to escape, to run away. But where can
we go where our thoughts don't go with us? I've been there in thinking like you with
my therapist but then realized what good did it do me unless I could be open and honest
about my feelings. As for escaping mentally, it can be done by taking out as little as
1-3-5 or 10 minutes a day to put yourself in another place to regenerate. We all need
that respite to escape the stressful lives we all live now a days. I have been thinking
that if I ever bought another house, I would set aside a small room as my Meditation
place to come to. Dim lights, candles soothing music playing in the background. A
physical place to just tune out the world around me.
But, until then, I will continue to use mental imagery/ meditation first thing in the morning, mid afternoon
and before bed. Deep Breathing throughout the day to get me through some difficult
moments of stress. You're not alone in how you feel Byelka. xx
It’s a risk being imperfect but that’s okay. The sessions are not judging you it’s about acceptance and reality and want fir change imperfectly perfectly messed up lol. Can you go away for a nite out of town? I’m doing that right now because I’m stressed to the max like Max!! Screw it it’s been nice to pamper myself away doing nothing being a tourist alone. What’s in my head belongs at home today lol.
I understand that. The self-doubt, the pressure, the perfectionism. It is a hard burden to carry. I have done several things that have helped me. I will share them in hopes that it will give you some ideas of ways to handle this. First, I could get into a negative space mentally very easily. I started writing positive messages on note cards and placing them around my house where I could see them. When my thoughts got negative, I would read the cards over and over and tell myself the positive messages until I started to believe them. It was such a relief when the lies I told myself started diminishing. Next, I would listen only to upbeat music with positive messages/lyrics. It was helpful to change my thought patterns. I was less likely to be negative when listening to messages that were positive. Music lifted my mood. I also started an in-depth Bible study. I began to hear about what God thought about me, and I was able to replace what people thought about me with these messages I was learning. Things like God would never leave or forsake me. God would go before me and behind me and fight my battles. God loves me with an everlasting love. I also learned that God alone is perfect. I am human and I will make mistakes. Lastly, I routinely took time for myself. I did things that made me smile or helped me feel happy. It might be reading a book or going for a drive. It might be finally getting those shoes I had been wanting for a while. Anything that let me have some sort of change in focus from the reality of the day-to-day grind of life.
I hope this is helpful in some way. I pray that you find what you need in this season to get your mini vacation. Hugs.
I understand exactly how you feel. Unfortunately, I have no words of wisdom for you that haven’t already been said very well by the others. Just try to hang in there. I love going to the movies. It is truly when I can set everything down and just focus on the movie for a little while.