Hey guys and gals. 34 years old here and I have been suffering from anxiety and depression quite a bit this winter. Does anyone else have SAD and was also wondering if you all have any tips or tricks to treat this?
Thanks for your time.
Hey guys and gals. 34 years old here and I have been suffering from anxiety and depression quite a bit this winter. Does anyone else have SAD and was also wondering if you all have any tips or tricks to treat this?
Thanks for your time.
Hello, Yes I and my Aunt suffer from this illness. We have tried lots of light, do not have a spectrum light, but understand they work well. If you can get some sunshine "Vit D' that is a good health promoter along with B12 (preferably sublingual), Folic Acid, Vit D. Probiotics are also recommended.
I think I have had SAD all my life, did not even know it existed till about 35 years ago. I find if it is a nice sunny day, don't care if it is cold, I go for a walk. I take my B Vits every day, I usually am only blue and dragging in energy, going to the gym helped, my Dr. wants me to walk for 30 min's everyday!!! Do the best I can, I even walk around the house at a walking speed.
You could go on line, Google has a lot of info. Take care of yourself, do not let it manifest into full blown depression.
Others will write, so you can get a lot of help from your fellow sufferers. I send you Peace, and now spring is here my spirits sore. Also send love & Hugs. Sprinkle 1
I also suffer from SAD. It seems to get a little bit worse each year that I’ve gotten older. I opted for a low dose of antidepressant. I’m 35 now and this is the first year that I am going to remain on a low dose of Wellbutrin throughout the year. In previous years I have worked with my doctor to start Wellbutrin in the fall and stop taking it in the spring. That worked well for me.
Does Wellbutrin cause weight gain?
It hasn’t for me. It isn’t an SSRI though. It is a little different in the way that it works. Typically it is used to help people quit smoking but it has showed some help (although not for all) in dealing with depression. My doctor put me on it when he was concerned about my weight gain with Zoloft.
Well, thank you.
Me too Barry. Get so depressed in Winter but, very rarely in Summer. Like Sprinkle i take vit Ds. Very strong ones as i also have Osteopenia. They do help. I might get lamp next year. Anythings worth a go. Eh? 😊🌻✌️
I haven't been diagnosed with SAD, but I have noticed a pattern with my depression. When the seasons begin to change I start triggering really easily: smells of the changing vegetation, noises from the baby birds and more traffic on the interstate we live close to. Generally I'll plummet into a depression from fall to winter and winter to spring, usually lasts about 2 weeks in the spring, and sometimes from November through February. I think a lot of the Winter issues is the lack of natural sunlight in the evenings. I try to remind myself, especially when the seasons are in their infancy, that this is temporary and in a few weeks I'll feel better. That seems to help substantially, just that acknowledgement in my head that I've been here before and it will subside once my brain adjusts to the new season. And I totally agree with Sprinkle, B vitamins are my godsend during these times.