I had a random panic attack yesterday when I was out with my friends. I didn’t want to ruin their night so I went home alone and thought if I called my boyfriend I’d feel better. He was really drunk and refused to call me because he was with friends. I had to ride out the panic attack alone on my bathroom floor. He was mad at me this morning because I was upset that he had not been there for me and we aren’t talking. I don’t know what to do. I’m so hurt but also not talking to him is making me feel anxious .
Relationship Issues : I had a random... - Anxiety and Depre...
Relationship Issues
Be gentle with yourself. You need your space to calm down. Do an activity that you like even if that means watching tv or eating ice cream. You’ve been through a lot. I understand. You’re not alone.
Men can be stupid sometimes. He is not realizing what he has, and he should have been there for you regardless of whether or not he is drunk. Take this time to get stronger with yourself and trust in yourself that you can get through these panic attacks without your boyfriend or anyone else. Also, what helps me when panic comes is acknowledging the panic, accepting it and welcoming it in. I just say bring it on panic. Then it seems to subside because I am telling it that I am not afraid. You will get through this. Just believe and trust in you and only yourself.
Try and find alternative techniques to deal with anxiety and focus more on your self recovery, no one can treat the symptoms of your anxiety except for you, as regards to your boyfriend, sometimes we have to kiss alot of frogs before we find our prince, concentrate more on yourself and you won't be bothered by his "I'm to drunk to care" attitude xxx