I'm having difficulties with brain fog and not being able to focus or concentrate to get work done. Some days are better, but others are just horrible and I can't function even though I know I need to get things done. Anyone else have this and if so, is there anything you can offer for advice to make it any better? Thank you.
Brain fog: I'm having difficulties with... - Anxiety and Depre...
Brain fog

I've just seen your post because I'm trying to work (I have a very important deadline approaching) and I can't focus at all... so I came here.
I jump from one thing to another, one worry to the next one, get up, come back... The anguish inside grows by the minute but I just can't put my mind in peace to just do what I need to do. Why can other people work normally and I just see hours pass getting desperate?
I'll follow this post. I have just moved to asking God to help me work, and may get an appointment with my therapist for next week... after 10 years of not doing so
I do the same thing- jumping from task to task and not really getting anywhere. I need it to go away
Me too, I can't even think of losing my job. Do you go to therapy? I think I have no choice but to go back to my psychiatrist
I go to therapy and I started attending a support group as well. I have my own business and am worried I will lose it because I can't seem to function more than I can function. Today is classic, I worked in my office for 9 hours and have almost nothing to show for it and the time just flew by but yet I can't say what I did. It worries me very much.
THeres also an online place called in the rooms. I think they have meetings for people with anxiety problems. intherooms.com
Same here, sit at the computer and stare. I try having the radio on in the background, that seems to help slightly, but not enough. I also do aroma therapy with a difuser next to me, and some days I think it helps, other not really.
I understand how that feels. I hope it passes and you feel refreshed soon.
Thank yo Vonnah, I hope it does too!
Hi. I can relate .it seems your mind gets so busy thinking about everything that cam go wrong u lose sight of reality. I try to think on out a positive future
Hi. About brain fog, my first question would be: are you on any medications which might be causing or contributing to it? I ask because I was in the same place a few years ago and I couldn't seem to even finish reading a page in a book without having to go back and re-read it. I'm still on the medications, but they've been adjusted, which helped alot. And my body's grown more used to them over the last several months. Sometimes, the anxiety of the brain fog -- the "what's wrong with me?" -- makes it even worse. From my own experience, I can only offer the suggestion not to try to do several things at the same time. It's almost impossible to do any of them well. Also, with music, don't have music with lyrics as background noise. Your mind will want to "sing along" and remember the words, which, in turn, will make it harder to do whatever it is you're doing. Take care.
I am on my second kind of medication, I was on Celexa for 2 months, that didn't seem to be doing much, so they switched me to Zoloft, and that isn't doing a lot either. I've had the brain fog to varying degrees even before I started medicine. I have the same problem with reading things too and I ask myself what's wrong with me, it really adds to being more depressed. I often have the radio on but didn't think about the lyrics playing in my head causing my brain to sing along. I am going to try some classical music and see if that helps. A great website I go to is Themighty.com and they have a lot of testimonials and helpful videos that really hit home with me and have helped to share with family and friends to explain and educate them as to what I go through.
Yes, akablonded, I also am curious about medications, general health, rxercise routine, diet. All or any one of those things can inform brain fog. Lack of sleep, too much sleep can too.
If you feel like sharing more details, perhaps someone has a suggestion?
I’ve had the same challenges. What has helped me is to write what I need to accomplish down and stick to one at a time. It usually happens when I’m anxious and have tons of deadlines or parts to get done and it all feels overwhelming. Going for a walk helps me clear my mind, too. I also stopped when I felt that way and did some deep breathing (calm.com) and refocused. It’s anxiety. You will be okay, you just need tools to manage. Working out helps tremendously!! Best!
Have you told your doctor about this?
I am struggling with the same issue too. I sadly am going to be loosing my current health insurance and will have to sign up for something else, and don't know yet if I'll even be able to seek professional help. In the meantime I'm starting to take vitamin D3 as I believe that can help? I am also tired all the time so I wanted to see if taking it helps with that as well. I haven't really found an answer yet as to how to combat this. It's like there's constant static in my head and I can't focus on anything. It's really horrible with work.
Try this website- they have free support groups around the country, put in your zip code and it will bring up meeting places. I just started going to one not too far from me. I think they will be able to help.
One of the hardest things to accept about these mental deficit disorders is that there really is no reliable remedy or treatment for these symptoms. I have been seeking them for over 15 years and I have been on multiple medications. I continue on Wellbutrin and Effexor but my Depression, ADHD and Hypersomnia, all 3 of which produce brain fog, continue to plague me. Good luck to you. And if anyone can set me straight, I will gladly hear you.
I don't want to be seen as advocating a position that says "You can't win. Give up." This is very sensitive territory. When contemplates the meaning of "Never give up" it is wise to ask, "Never give up on WHAT?" Never give up on ANYTHING? That is not smart or realistic. Never give up on life? Perhaps better. You have to pick your battles, is my point. To determine that we must "never give up" on a job, we have to consider what it would mean to have the job give up on you. I am suggesting that there is more dignity in deciding that your capabilities have changed and you are no longer suited for a given position than there is in getting fired for not meeting expectations. Only you can decide how and when to make that decision. It is not a matter of giving up. It is about the best way to continue living a quality life. Continue to think and to plan in order to keep your hand on the tiller of your own raft of life. Blessings.
I too live with brain fog but found out from my psychiatrist that some anti-depressant medications can actually cause or exacerbate the problem - for instance Effexor has confusion and brain fog in its list of side effects. Once I got off the Effexor and got on Trintrellex the brain fog improved tremendously. I think you should review the side effects of your meds and determine if this is possibly the cause.
I take 150 mg Effexor ER once a day as well as 30mg Adderall XR twice per day and have Klonopin. My question for you is about Trintrellex. Does it help with anxiety AND depression? Actually, I just looked it up. Some of the side effects are a bit unsettling for me. I get vertigo and the possibility that I could have a spinning sensation makes my stomach churn thinking about it. And I already have chronic dry eye and pee far more often than I would like to.
I have only been on Trintrellex about a month but it certainly works as good as Effexor for depression and anxiety. As for the klonopin, that is a major cause of brain fog. I’m on it now and my doctor is weaning me off. Also as you get older, I’m 58, klonopin has even more side effects. I’d talk to your doctor about that one too.
My Dr wanted to put me on Trintrellex but said most insurance companies want you to fail on 3 medications before approving it. My insurance only covers $30 of a $415 prescription for a month, so if I wasn’t already depressed I would be more so after trying to come up with that extra money every month.
As I said I’m 58 and have failed on many, many antidepressants so I guess that’s why my insurance company pays for it. But it’s still not cheap, I just went to 20mg and I think it’s about $40-$50 a month.
I have the same problem for 5 years , you need to go back,when you were perfectly alright and think how suddenly or what caused that change. Is it gradual or of sudden onset from previous normal functioning.
Plz share ur views

For me it was more of a gradual thing- looking back I’ve dealt with it in less extremes most of my life but the last 5 months it has moved up a notch or 2 and some days it is way worse than “more normal” days which I still deal with it.
So,what r the symptoms ?Can u explain?

I’m in a fog- I find it very hard to concentrate, stay focused and get things done. If I have to read something, I find myself having to re read it 3-4 times to finally remember what I just read. Simple tasks that might take 20 min normally now take an hour or more.
Okay,but my problem is that i am not able to do that thing in 1 hour or more ,i am least interested in reading because i cannot comprehend easily,very hard to understand.I don't know what it is.
I had an episode of alcohol intake 5 yrs back , suddenly after that i developed this problem of brain fog . Nobody has yet figured out what it is.

I do have it some days when it is really bad, I won’t even try to read anything because I know I can’t handle it. I’m not sure about the alcohol, I’ve had my fair share when I was a teen and early 20’s, but can’t say that it had an effect but it sure could have and I just didn’t pay attention to it
Sometimes ,my eyes fix at one point distracted,
i have the same problem, using bundle of medicine, Please help us
I'm at the beginning of the brain fog. I read an article that it can last 2 to 6 months. I don't think I'll make it. But I guess I'm just trying to educate myself on how to cope anyway.