I have been dealing with anxiety and depression for years and it has been really difficult. I have had two suicide attempts due to the anxiety. Lately my anxiety is causing me to miss work and it has become more and more difficult to leave my bed or house. I really am sick of feeling this way and dont want to go on sometimes.
Help: I have been dealing with anxiety... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi AndyPip, Giving up should never be an option, getting help should. I allowed anxiety to take over my life to the point that I became Agoraphobic for 5 years. I wanted to hide from life but what I didn't realize is that we can't hide from ourselves or our problems. They need to be addressed before we can break free from our negative thoughts. Anxiety and it's symptoms are controlled by our minds. It is powerful to say the least. I would advise you get an appointment set up for some short term therapy before the comfort of your bed and home become your prison.
You can and will overcome this feeling. What concerns me more is the 2 suicide attempts from anxiety. That needs professional therapy to keep you safe. We are here 24/7, the forum has men and women who have experienced the same fears as you. We hold out our hands ready to help xx
I have been hospitalized twice from the attempts i do know the warning signs and have always reached out to my support network and got help. The thing that scares me is exactly what you described becoming a prisoner in my house. I do take meds and have a psychiatrist.
AndyPip, continue the meds and seeing your psychiatrist but know that you and only you hold the key in not letting anxiety take hold so fiercely. Knowing what causes you to want to hide is step one. Using the meds as a crutch while you figure life out with the help of your psychiatrist is what is necessary right now. Working on the issues causing you this fear, this hopelessness will get you unstuck and allow you to go forward. Maybe small steps at a time but you will be advancing day by day. The goal is the same. seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm glad you have a support network and that you realize the warning signs of self harm.
Stay safe, use the forum to help you get the courage and strength in not allowing anxiety to control you. Only you have the right to control your life. No bully fearing entity should be allowed to feed you this fear. I believe in you and now believe in yourself that with the help of your doctor and meds you will break free from these lies being fed you by anxiety.
You will also have the forum behind you. You can do this xx
Hey AndyPip, I am new to this website but I am here because of severe and worsening anxiety and depression. This is pretty new to me, as I never imagined myself having anxiety attacks sometimes twice a day and keeping me up at night, which only makes me feel so much worse. I wanted to reach out to you and let you know you can always reach out to me and talk to me. You can reach me on here, or if you want you can text me at 336-549-6850.