Hi. I have anxiety and was recently diagnosed with depression. This past month has been extremely difficult mentally. I’m constantly battling with my mind I cry almost every day all day I have very bad panic attacks and I can’t be alone I guess I’m wondering if anyone has any tips with how to keep my brain occupied. I don’t have family and my relationship is rocky bc she feels like I solely depend on her since I have no one else to turn to.
Help: Hi. I have anxiety and was... - Anxiety and Depre...

I get the burden you feel can be placed on a love one and I also know what happens when that loved one is no longer there to help you through the shit we all go through.
I am still new to figuring out the whole what to do in a situation as my own anxiety has just started to get worse myself after a period of "niceness" but I just try to keep busy. All day every day. I started to write a lot, write down what I am feeling. If I start to lose focus on the day and slip I just start writing. I know writing doesn't work for everyone but if you can find something as simple as putting pen to paper (it can be anything, write lists or colours or memories) then you might be able to at least put your mind at ease.
Thank you. At work when I feel any anxiety gets worse I try to go down the alphabet and find an item that matches each letter of the alphabet and at home I’ve been recording myself through my anxiety attacks. These tactics seems silly now I’m saying them out loud but they helped until they didn’t .. but thank you I’ll try writing down colors and memories
U are not alone ,hang there my dear one day u will tell this story and inspire others about your healing👊🏿
A lot of times I am envious for the people who get to live Day by day without having crippling anxiety or depression who never have to feel what other go through but I still would never wish these illnesses on anyone. I just wish more people understood what people go through not just physically but mentally
Yeah that feeling of envy I get that,that is why whenever I get such thoughts I repeat constantly that “am happy for them” so that I don’t have to feed into that negativity/jealousy but that feeling is heightened especially with a mental illness,this illness nobody should go through but at the same time if we didn’t how will we be more understanding and compassionate,it will pass it will be better,better days are ahead for all of us
I guess I never thought of it that way. I guess I always thought of it as somehow I’m being punished I don’t deserve to be happy to be able to wake up every day and be okay that I deserve to cry every day. I guess I just never felt that I was worthy of a normal life and I mean yeah I understand everyone has there own battles but living with a mental illness is extremely difficult. It’s so easy to want to give in and just end everything
thay Part of not deserving gets to me bcoz that is how I feel and I feel ungrateful at the same time cuz I think other people have it worse than me and here I am crying,I ask myself everyday what is wrong with me but it will be better better days ahead,I say that to myself even though I don’t believe it
Exactly. Like I can be perfectly fine one minute and the next I’m in tears with all of these negative thoughts and I try to remind myself that I am okay but I can never get myself to fully believe it I just want all of it to go away I hate feeling like this I hate that I constantly over think everything in life
I mean this illness cost me my career course and having people in my life,can u imagine I don’t have a relationship with my own family cuz they mistake my introvertness with my actual sickness,it is really boring and sad to be in the room by yourself and not enjoy as my age mates,am so afraid of life passing me by and in the future I may be left with regrets only
I can’t even imagine the pain of losing your career and your family due to this illness. My relationship w my family has always been kind of absencent and as the years passed by it just became nonexistent I have tried to reach out to them and even tried to tell them how I felt but they don’t believe me my mom just believes that if I take pills I will be okay. I completely understand what you mean about feeling your life passing you by because I’m 21 and I haven’t even enjoyed or expietenced anything people my age has
One day we will tell our story to others and to tell them that they too can heal,at least that is what I believe even though I don’t know how that will turn out
Like you I cry nearly all day, my face is a mess. Like you this is quite new, depression formed from grief, my brain is not the same I can't get it thinking about things. At my worst I will repeat a couple of words any words like a mantra to try and steer clear of very low thoughts. What to do I don't know I only have a poor relationship no one to really turn to or help. I just long for night time another day over. I really hope it will get better for all of us.
Post your thoughts here even if nobody reads sometimes cuz you are letting off,I wish u healing and a peace of mind,u are not alone ,it gets better,better days ahead friend,hang on,if u need to text,message me
Im not sure if you’re religious but when get these attacks and I’m in tears screaming sometimes I’ll ask god to just take it all away and most of the time it takes about two minutes five at the most if I’m really begging and praying the tears will fade I’ll stop screaming and I’ll just fall asleep
But I understand not everyone has the same faith
I usually just cry and cry until I make myself Exhausted and I’ll just fall asleep
Praying to God is a great help to lessen your anxiety and depression. It is good to journal what you are thankful for every day. Distraction helps me focus on something else, so I like to get involved in craft projects. Volunteering is also beneficial because it will get your focus off yourself while you are helping others. I hope you can find a hobby or a way to serve others.
Just be thankful for the good things you have. Your sight your hands your feet. I you feel depressed get a puppy and you will have your hands full you will forget all about the depression as your pup will love you always.