What helps you guys during a panic attack? Nothing works for me.
Panic attacks : What helps you guys... - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic attacks

Xanax!;). Honestly other than that I am not sure what can help.
it's the physical reactions when the adrenalin is released that can be the most frightening. is that the same for you? what has helped me a bit is learning about what an adrenalin rush is and how physically harmless it is. I used to make the rush worse by being afraid and as a result my body continued to release adrenalin. this puts the body into a whole tail spin and a vicious circle situation. now, I literally lift the phone and call a charity helpline called 'no panic' and let the help-liner guide me through it until I can take control again. I don't take meds for panic, I have considered it but have decided that if I have that much adrenalin to off load I'm best to get rid of it and try to be less afraid of how it makes my body behave. try lifting the phone to talk it through, talking regulates breathing and there is also the comfort from a human voice.
I really don’t want to be taking medication so this does help! I have noticed that talking about it while it happens help. But when I don’t have someone to talk to that’s when I’m stuck. And it’s been happening at work for the past 3 days where I had to leave work. I’m going to a therapist next month, just needed some coping tips to hold me off until then. That helps thank you!
yes, when they happen at work that starts the 'flight' response. I ended up having to tell my manager that. I now have a go-to person who I trust. it takes approx. 10 mins of meltdown and talking to 'come down'. I have been able to stay in work and I think that having the plan in place has reduced them and their severity. is there some plan of action that you could put in place?
I guess I haven’t made a plan if it happens. Like even today I left the house to go to the store and I started panicking. But I would have to tell my manger because I feel trapped when no one knows. I’m kinda just embarrassed to tell them because nobody understands them unless they have had it.
Honestly medication helped me a lot with my panic attacks, at the beginning i needed a benzo like Xanax but after staying a while on an SSRI “Prozac” the panic attacks stopped. That’s my personal experience. I know a lot of other people use techniques like breathing techniques and grounding exercises to help them through an attack
They have me on doxepin. I’ve been taking that before these panic attacks have started and I guess it doesn’t help. I think i want a long term one like Prozac to help than taking benzo because it usually happens while I’m at work.
Yes benzos give very temporary relief, and then you have the whole tolerance and dependency issue, I would urge you to talk to your doctor about finding the right SSRI for you. Prozac did wonders for my panic attacks specifically. I still have lingering anxiety issues but no panic attacks
Medication really helped me. Sleeping it off also helps (if you can get to that state). Xanax helps me get to a sleepy place lol. I’ve also journaled during panic episodes, before I tried meds. I found this super helpful
Hi there. What helped me was to figure out what the triggers are of the panic attacks. Anxiety builds up into the panic attack. If the anxiety can be diverted before it escalates into panic it's easier to control. The triggers are the key. Some triggers for me are driving on the freeway. But if I plan a different route or take someone with me I diverted the panic attack. It may seem that there are too many triggers, but give it some time and you'll figure it out. Hope that helps you.