Morning everyone. I am new here, and somewhat new with diagnosis, I am wanting to learn more about my condition, to feel better than I do now and several other things...
I hope to find a safe environment
Morning everyone. I am new here, and somewhat new with diagnosis, I am wanting to learn more about my condition, to feel better than I do now and several other things...
I hope to find a safe environment
Welcome. You won't find a better forum anywhere due to the support and understanding of everyone here. Whatever you feel, don't be afraid to speak to us. There's always someone to help as we've all experienced pretty much the same thing. Take care. Janie
Welcome! I if you don't mind me asking what are your issues so maybe I can help you?
the anxiety I feel by putting myself out here in the public for the first time with serious problems. I would love to just toss my stuff up here, but I am a bit anxious about it all.
Hello, being here to help ourselves and others, please tell me what your diagnosis is as I cannot offer any help without a point of interest. Glad you trust us, we are sufferers and looking to get well, welcome to our group. Waiting to hear from you. Sprinkle 1
I have recently been diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety disorder. I am taking new meds for it, and I have been doing therapy on and off my entire life. I have been in therapy (cog-beh) for the past two+ years, as well as a few years at a time throughout. I have recently been referred to begin EMDR therapy. I have made my initial consultation and begin in a week or two.