i cant get it out of my head ! i’m fat ! 😭 i want to be anorexic again no matter how much it takes . i want to be little not fat .....
depressed : i cant get it out of my... - Anxiety and Depre...

No matter what size you are never wish to be something else hun you are who you are it’s not about how u look etc it’s inside what counts so don’t get ya self down over weight etc I’ve been there and done it maybe a bit of talking to others may help I’m hear for u xxx
i was anorexic for 17-18 yrs it’s hard to see my weight go up ! it’s not that i don’t like how i look or how anyone else thinks of me because my fiancé loves me being thicker than what i was but i’m not use to it at all
There you go he loves you that’s all that matters. And a bet it wasn’t nice been anorexic? And yes that’s obvious your not youst to it as u we’re anorexic for a long time wich is understandable xx
i mean it was alittle annoying cause i didn’t fit much of my clothes . i don’t want to be that tiny but i’d like to lose some weight to get back to normal
Yeah I do understand it’s not nice at all it does make u feel very self conscious but a must say u look lovely in your picture. And maybe a routine of exercises each day how is your diet x
i eat all the time anymore , i’ve been trying my best to watch what i do eat but with my work i’m eating fast food most times .
You need to love yourself how you are. I always had problems with my weight and always dreamed to be anorexic. I beat myself and tried ANA tricks, I stopped eating for days until I got into ER. I did that to be like other thinks it’s perfection. But that’s not my body . So if I will be fat all my life I need to die ? No!!! I need to accept myself and so do you. Cherish your body and stop paying attention at what you have beautiful. I did therapy back then and they helped me to see the beautiful parts of my body . Also, your health it’s more important than look. Eating healthy and some gym would help you to have a balanced body; and helps anxiety too. Hugs beautiful. You are unique 😘😘