I lost my retirement money in 2008 crash. I have arthritis too bad to work. Just have enough money to last three years
Money problems and lonesome - Anxiety and Depre...
Money problems and lonesome

What about social security?
Thank you for responding VRT14. The only income i get from social security is $245.00. My husband had a business and didn't put much inti S.S. We are divorced. The only money I have left is when I pulled out of the stock market in 2008. I lost 60% of money I had worked all my life for. I was
well fixed before that and am now facing a horrible ending in about 3 years. Thanks for replying
I am so sorry to hear about this rotten situation. And it's all because of those greedy sociopaths on Wall Street. Is there any way you can sue? You did not cause this- they did. Also, you probably have done this but can you meet with your member of congress at the district office, and see what finances can be available to you?
I wanted to add: Your post touched me tremendously- here you are and you are worried about your dogs. Your post is stark and realistic. I am sure that this is redundant but can your ex husband or his family help in some way? I hope that some organization can get wind of your story ( if they have not already) either a senior center, something that can help alleviate your life. You do not deserve this, and should have some peace .
I can't tell you how much your kind words mean to me. My ex husband has remarried and all of my family has passed away. I wish I could find someone who would take my dogs and love them like I do. I have no children and
am completely alone until you had such kindness in your heart to reach out to me. Thank you so much. I can't find a free group here in Shreveport to get some help. Lost all of my money in th 2008 recession. If I could just find some solution I think I could make it. I'm trying so hard because I know that you can't dump your problems on other people. Please let me know if I could give you support with any problems you have. I am an open ear to help those suffering. Thanks again gogogirl.
I have had money probems in my life also- it is devastating. I thank you for reaching out as well. You probably have heard of the consumer financial protection bureau . I do not know much about them, but maybe you could look them up online especially since you lost to others' greed, and bankers taking risks. As far as your animals it sounds like you have really tried, and of course I do not know your area. There are some "Dixie Dog rescues" up North that also take dogs from other areas, but I do not know if they just rescue dogs from shelters. Please keep in touch! Also, I have heard of a program for senior citizens that helps people connect with little jobs to help them get some extra money. Sometimes they operate out of One Stop Career Centers I think. It's possible maybe AARP knows something about the program? I don't know- but at any rate please keep in touch.
Thank you for the advice. That will give me something positive to do. As it is I am just like a dog chasing it's tail and getting no where. You are really a nice person. Just what I needed. Someone to connect with. It can really get lonely when there is no one. Thanks again for your time and advice. When I get my anxiety at least where I can get out of the house I will do what you advised.
Sorry to read of your stupid loss, do look into all possible outlets. I know how painful arthritis can be, thankfully mine is in remission right now. There are sources that can help you, ask your Dr. for any leads, go on line there are many sources there. Good luck, I send you pain free thoughts , love and peace. Sprinkle 1
Thanks for replying Sprinkle. It helps to know there are people who care. I am 75 and all family have passed away. Not feeling sorry for myself, just trying to strive hard to make things better. The reality of the situation seems insurmountable to me. I also have two dogs and I worry about
me dying before them. The only thing that helps me is to say It is what it is.
I know I have to just face this and do the best I can. Hope your arthritis gets better.
I am in the exact same boat. I am disabled. I haven’t worked since 2003 other than a few very sporadic days. I was a substitute teacher for several years. Severe arthritis. They call you as needed and you can say yes or no. Depending on how you are doing that day. Some days are better than others. Rain is a definite no go! It is so easy. I primarily worked where my son went to school because I could not afford day care. In high school though I just enjoyed it. You basically just take attendance and hand out busy work and wait for the Bell for new group of students. So if you had misbehaving kids you weren’t stuck with them all day. I could sit and just watch to make sure nothing bad happened basically. You don’t have to do as much as you do with younger ones. Although the little ones can often times be so much sweeter. I never had any major issues. It is more laid back when you have a sub for a day. I had problems and had to stop but I truly loved it! Now I work one night a week in a gas station deli. I make food and can sit between times. I needed to get out of the house. It’s very hard physically still but my mind loves it. My husband works for himself but crushed both feet and now can barely do anything. I owe
900.00 in taxes just to renew the tags on my car which have been dead since June. 650.00 to my doctor before he will refill my meds and I’m lost. But social security only pays me 900.00 a month. It’s hard. My husband is now a bad alcoholic but just lost his dad to liver cirrhosis. I have no life insurance for him nothing. I really hope you can get disability for yourself. You should be able to get your own if you worked. Money is such a huge stress factor. Definitely see if you can get your disability. Try social services as well. There is so much they can do to help. I don’t know where you live but try your local social services. I have gotten social security for many people. My husband however doesn’t qualify because he is expected to improve. With severe arthritis you aren’t. It gets worse. If you are in the us and have any questions regarding the process let me know. Private message is fine. I feel like we are kindred spirits. That’s what I love about this group. I have so much in common with everyone. Your situation sucks. Have you possibly tried working from home? Even blogging you can make money. You can google how to make money blogging. You are your own boss so you can do as much or as little as you can when you want. I obviously don’t fully know your limitations but I have a lot. Even sitting too long for me is hard! I can tell you things they want to hear for disability as well. I truly wish you the very best!!!! I know how hard it can be. I’m here if needed.
I also have a dog and my adult son that lives here has a puppy. I feel so alone. I could not imagine my life without my dogs. My dachshund is 14. She lives in my lap. When the puppy and my Tater Tot are in my lap sleeping I feed off that calming energy and it helps me not feel so alone too. I wish there was something you could do to keep them. It is so heart breaking. My dog was peeing blood out of the blue. I had no money at all so I just started calling vets. Then I called the spca and explained my situation and asked if they had any suggestions. They referred me to a group that set me up an appointment even met me there and paid for everything! That was my pit bull Bo. He ended up having cancer and I lost him. But they paid for me to take Tater Tot for a complete physical and she gets regular checkups. I just took her to the vet today to get her nails trimmed. She is 14 and has a bad heart murmur so it scares me to death but the bond we share and the love makes me feel so good. I love her so much! My son works and is trying to get started in life after coming back from college. So now I have the puppy too. She is such a sweetheart. I have gotten so attached to her. My dog sleeps with me at night. Yes in my bed! She actually sleeps in the middle which helps provide a border as well. It is going to kill me when I lose her but now the puppy is putting a paw print on my heart! However it can be expensive. I got help though. There are so many organizations that can help. Just like yard sale sites on Facebook there are also animal rehoming sites too. Even marketplace on the bottom of fb. Try to see if their is any assistance you can get but I understand the added stress factor. I just know they will love you unconditionally too. It’s good and bad at times. You have to do what is best for you. I am not judging. I completely understand. I tried to give Tater Tot away once years ago and couldn’t find anyone which ended up being a blessing in disguise. I was glad but just felt I had no other options. I just wanted you to know there are options. You could even have them certified as therapy dogs which could get you assistance as well. There are organizations that can help you find homes as well. I hope that whatever serves you Best is able to happen. Much love and God bless! You are no longer alone in this world! You’ve got us!
I wanted to see how you are doing. I hope that you are able to find a situation so you can feel better about keeping your dogs. I wanted to check on you, and see how you got through the holiday as well.
gogogirl I don't know if you were talking to Shawny or me, but I wanted to connect with you. It makes me feel better. You know sometimes there are people who know what to say and how to help. You are one of those. I
will reply as if it were directed to me. I was invited to my only friends house and just had to back out. My anxiety is so high. It isn't social anxiety at all its just waking up overwhelmed and lately panting, I guess that is a panic attack. I don't feel depressed just anxious, and wonder why there are not
many meds for anxiety. Anti-Depressants make me sick. Xanax is the only thing that works but it is addictive. Oh well, I've been on it for years. It is short acting and only really lasts for about three or four hours.
I feel bad because I don't hear you complain. You must be an angel in disguise. If there is anything you want to share I am all ears.
I was enquiring about you and am so sorry that you had experienced this before you went to a friends house. And that was probably what you needed. Believe me, I am no angel. Sometimes I look back in life and ...... well we probably know what that is like. I might have given you this before and if I did ( well senior moment)! The telephone number of the consumer financial protection bureau ( according to online) is: 855-411-2372.
I also know what a panic attack is like: I experienced a couple about a year ago like a very intense hot feeling that left quickly. I am sure that it is different for various people.
So glad that you are here. How are your dogs doing?
My dog is my best friend! She will be with me until the end. The unconditional love and comfort she gives me is priceless! My 23 yo son brought a mini yorkie and beagle mix Home about 2 months ago. He works full time so she is with me as well. Her paw prints have already been imprinted on my heart. It will kill me if he ever moves out and takes her! I can’t handle 3 dogs. My Tater Tot is my love. When she goes it will kill me. I just lost my 12 yo Bo to cancer 2 months ago. I wanted to just spoil Tater Tot and let her live out her life but my son knew I couldn’t say no. She is precious! Just like my Tater Tot but younger and so excited a lot. Her energy is contagious. Her happiness or calmness. If I lose Tater Tot and her I don’t know what I’ll do. I know my heart won’t be able to take much more. I just can’t stand this loneliness. Dogs are truly a blessing from God! I just wish they had life spans like ours. I’ll be on here a lot asking for help if something happens to my babies. I’m glad I got Athena now but she isn’t mine and it’s not the same. I recommend a dog for anyone suffering from loneliness that can take the time and money to care for them! She truly is my therapy dog and best friend my Tater Tot!
Hi Cheeto, I’m sorry to hear about your money problems. I’m afraid my husband and I are going to end up in the same situation although we are a bit younger we used retirement money to start a business that is draining us. I ended up depressed, and now have anxiety that is debilitating, and making it so I can’t work. We have no insurance. I feel like we are going to lose everything. I have no fight left in me. To top it off we moved last year to a place away from all family and friends. I wish I could move someone in with us so it won’t be so lonely here, but then I worry that if we lose the house it wouldn’t only be us 2 who would have no where to go.
I saw something about you having a couple of dogs, but didn’t get the full story on that. We currently just have one. Are you not able to keep them with you?
Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I took a nose dive into depression and have been wallowing in bed. How long were you married to your husband? Did he get a job where he was/is paying S.S.? You can claim on his account if you can find his s.s. number, that is what I did with my husband and it boosted my income. There is another group that I think can help you, but for this moment I cannot think of the name. I will send it to you when it clicks in my head. Do you own your home, can you sell it and move into a pet allowing apt? I am racking my brain to find help for you. As one person mentioned AARP are you a member? Go thru your phone book, in the front pages it lists services and places of help. Sorry I have to go now, I have a Dr. appt. I will get back to you. I send you love and support. Write to us so we can help break your loneliness, I know how that is I am by myself, no family and no close friend here. I send you love and Hugs. Please write back to let me know you are still with us. Hugs for your dogs, we can come up with an answer for that. Sprinkle 1 xxx