Hi guys
I wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing this
So the past time I've noticed an increase of symptoms in my mental health. But the past few days have been depression(or getting up and doing hings but still feeling empty) Then I've thought a lot about why in alive what is the purpose, it's gone to Suicide thoughts of thinking of death( children who die early spared from this world, where would I go if I died), I don't want to die but they seem to give me a control of my destiny instead of dealing with the pain of feeling nothing and pushing myself to get things done.
The middle of my day consists of moos swings ( sad and low, giddy and positive) sometimes my mind wonders away to escape the pain...
The strange part? By the evening after work, if I have something to look forward to I am fine(content I wouldn't say ecstatic/happy)
I've seen bipolar ups and downs to last for longer periods of times, is it heard of for all of this to happen in a day??