So I wanna try and do a thing - Anxiety and Depre...

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So I wanna try and do a thing

cjohansen profile image
26 Replies

I'm a journalism student at William Paterson University in New Jersey. If I started a blog about my struggles with GAD and depression and also just my thoughts, would you guys read it? Please reply! If I get some positive feedback I'll post a link here!

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cjohansen profile image
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26 Replies
HearYou profile image

Why do you want to write a blog on GAD and depression? You are asking me to like your idea, and then promise to read what you write. Come on, you're smarter than Salle Fields when she may her famous "You like me, you actually like me!!!," award speech. lol

I have never read anything you have written, so my answer is no for a number of reasons.

I appreciate your energy and enthusiasm but have great reservations about supporting a blog where the material for it is most surely drawn from the concerns and support of members of this venue.

Perhaps because of privacy and sensitivity of the posts and replies in this venue, and that you are not medically or psychological trained and have no professional treatment of people in this area, an independent blog drawing from the posts and replies may not be appropriated for this venue, nor the recruitment of venue members who would provide you an instant readership and material to justify your interest in creating a blog.

If you have credible, independent information and useful material from other sources, you should be able to investigate if there is the need and interest in creating a new blog.....becuse essentially HealthUnlocked is already a form of one.

I would be hesitant to post or reply on this venue knowing what I reveal may be included in a blog elsewhere.

You were diagnosed with GAD only two years ago. Take the time to learn and live with your GAD and read every post or reply on this inter-global venue that you can. Develop your credentials in this subject and very very think skin. You'll need that too if you publish on any subject.

Hope you understand my concerns. It is not a criticism, just concerns.

HearYou profile image

On an entirely different you are a journalism major, I noticed you, Johnnie1234 and more post and replies use the word "wanna" rather than "want to" or "would like to".....I have grown used to hearing it, but now seeing it morph into writing. Is that because the writer is probably texting rather than using a computer?

cjohansen profile image
cjohansen in reply to HearYou

It’s just informal. Obviously when I write for class or on an actual blog, I use correct grammar and syntax.

one-love profile image

Don't listen to hearyou he/she is a very rude and ignorant individual. I have had anxiety and depression for the last 15 years so I can relate with you. Writing your feelings and experiences down is a great relief and helps to reduce your anxiety a lot by talking about your feelings. I'm also sure there are plenty of people on this page who would read your blog and be able to relate with you and what your going through. Do what your heart tells you

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to one-love

Well, don't I believe anyone who ever knew me advised another person not to do something because I was "a very rude and ignorant individual"? You decide to do what you think is good and right for you, and not because a stranger tells you I am a "very rude and ignorant individual". OK? Ok. :)

Bookmama20 profile image
Bookmama20 in reply to HearYou

No offense HearYou, but I also found your reply rude as well. If you don't want to read it? Don't. You didn't even have to reply. We're all here looking for support, help. Being rude doesn't help anyone.

lawdog profile image
lawdog in reply to Bookmama20

This is rather interesting. You are replying 27 minutes ago to a conversation dated 3 years ago. Sometimes I am to the point. Depression/anxiety/serious chronic pain that requires epidurals every 3-4 months for years. I have a clinical degree and practiced for a number of years. Joined this venue a few years ago; lately had to back away as my situation took a turn for the worse and I needed to spend energy on me. But a three year old conversation???? Has a blog started recently?

Sometimes one has to be encouraged to put on our big girl jeans and determine where and what may be more appropriate for a different venue. .

Agora1, are you here?

Bookmama20 profile image
Bookmama20 in reply to lawdog

Well, I just joined the day before yesterday. I'm sorry if I didn't notice the date. I don't like when people are treated rudely for asking a question. I also have depression,anxiety,and PTSD and currently being treated for a possible heart condition. I was just trying to be supportive. Sorry if that doesn't fly here. I thought that is what this was for.

lawdog profile image
lawdog in reply to Bookmama20

Perhaps you might want to slow down a knee-jerk response when reading an answer you don't like before you throw an insult at the writer. You might want to slow down, review the rules of the venue, learn the difference between support by words of endearment, and support provided with offering why the timing of undertaking is not wise and the real dangers of the hecklers, and horrid comments will appeared and she is not ready to handle that. Hecklers, low life comments, very ugly responses do happen on this venue which is supposed to be a safe haven, nice they start is hard to stop them or tract the author down, muchless barr frm the site. And they are erasable.....once typed and sent, the universe has them forever and never now when they are going to appear again . Love, support and caring can be used to strongly explain whatever we send into the universe is a double-edged sword. I still get surprised by the sheer hateful barbs sent to me after I am able to help someone who cannot afford an attorney. ( "he doesn't deserve an attorney '' "if he would just work and not drink, he wouldn't you").

Take care, state safe.

Taz2 profile image
Taz2 in reply to one-love

I agree with u totally one-love xx

lawdog profile image
lawdog in reply to Taz2

Please read my lengthy response to the blog being written on this forum. 1) believe against the venue's guidelines for good reasons. 2) reality and support can conflict. At the point the idea for a blog was raised, she had rather recently been diagnosed with her condition. Makes her a bit fragile until she knows more and is comfortable in sharing and helping others. She needs more time, and private journals can work very well.

People who post blogs are sitting ducks and must be very stable and strong in their knowledge and experience to handle the abuse and harmful comments, to handle the mean spirited barbs that can send the blog's author backwards in her recovery rather than the ablity to help others.

If I am to be called rude when I am trying to protect, I'll still try to protect.

tofler profile image

No I wouldn't read it. There are already thousands of mental health blogs available to read online. Participating in an online mental health community can be useful but following just one person's experience of mental health difficulties isn't. But if you think it'll help you, then go for it, (but I don't think that's your motivation for doing it because if it was, you would've just gone ahead and done it rather than posting on here about it).

cjohansen profile image
cjohansen in reply to tofler

Any type of writing is good for improving writing skills. But thanks to all of the negativity I’m receiving, I am not going to start it.

in reply to cjohansen

Please don't be discouraged. I for one would be willing to read your blog if you post a link.

Markyt profile image
Markyt in reply to cjohansen

Why don't you write it and pm those that want to read it the link. Don't be put off, not going to be everyone's cup of tea!!

tofler profile image
tofler in reply to cjohansen

You asked people for their views and I gave you mine. Do what works for you, but as others have said, it won't be everybody's cup of tea. Good luck with it.

Windy101 profile image

I'm a writer and will gladly read your blog and give you some initial feedback. Just send me the link. I have so much reading to do I won't be able to follow it, but I'm happy to give it a look!

Markyt profile image

Hiya. Yep I'd definitely read and comment if you post.

Markyt profile image
Markyt in reply to Markyt

Btw feel free to follow me. I'm doing some stuff too and would be interested in your thoughts

cjohansen profile image
cjohansen in reply to Markyt


Struggling777 profile image

I just replied to your post about your blog. Most people including me are supportive so blog away and do what's right for you! Forget the critics -- good luck with it.

Tracey_Back profile image

I would love to hear about your GAD! I am Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression as well. My doctor prescribed me 1 mg of Ativan three times a day. I have taken Ativan off and on for eight years. My mother in law put my husband and I into a rehab facility for detox so that I could get safely off of the medicine. I never abused the medicine I always took as prescribed by my doctor. I am happy to be off of my Ativan. I want to go to a residential treatment center for my anxiety disorder. The problem is they are so expensive. I live in Clearwater Florida. If anyone has any suggestions of where I could go to get good residential treatment I would be so thankful:) I haven’t been able to work and hold a job for two years. I’m ready to get my life back. My mother in law can’t afford to send me to a nice facility. She wants me to go to a halfway house or sober living house. I don’t drink alcohol. I never enjoyed drinking. I am not an addict either but one going I do have anxiety and depression also ocd and panic attacks. I went to a halfway house and walked out of it the same day because it was a horrible place. Anyways just know you are not alone and know that so many people care about you. If you wanna chat let me know:)

Heruga profile image

I probably would since I have anxiety and depression as well so I want to see how I can relate. Btw, I graduated from Montclair state university last year :) I've applied to WPU too and got accepted there but decided not to go.

lawdog profile image

Did you ever start a blog? There is a member who responded to your 3 year old post 27 minutes ago. Are you still with us? Hope you have graduated and life is easier.

VDC1 profile image

Not sure why this showed up in my suggestions. This post is from 3 years ago! Welcome back... to the future, lady from the past.

LennyL profile image

Are you saying GAD causes you depression? Have one clear purpose for the blog. Something simple. What does GAD even mean? How do we define depression. Have you been diagnosed with depression, or self diagnosed. Age range. Who are you trying to reach??

Not what you're looking for?

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