Hey guys. A few weeks ago, I had the worst time of my life. I was overthinking everything, I was self-harming, and I was miserable. That was only for two weeks. Ever since then, the overthinking has gotten much better. I'm much happier now. I still continue to self-harm, but that's mostly just because of my low self-esteem. I'm too afraid to tell my parents about this, so I was wondering if anyone could help me out here.
Stress, anxiety, and tips for self-harm. - Anxiety and Depre...
Stress, anxiety, and tips for self-harm.

Hi there! I am so glad to hear you are doing better. As a suggestion of getting around telling your parents, what do you mean by that? Like, how to get help without telling them? If so, I highly suggest looking into some techniques to stop self harming. One that worked for many people I know was a rubber band. So whenever you feel like self harming you snap it on your wrist. Eventually transitiong to a husband and then stopping altogether. You can also reach out to mental health hotlines to talk to someone on the phone
Thanks for the suggestion! I really dont want to tell my parents because I have been "perfect" so far. My mom thinks therapy is for crazy people, and I dont think I could live if my mom thought of me like that.
Well, it is ideal that you are able to tell your parents. However if you think you are at risk of getting kicked out etc, it is best not to until you are able to be on your own. Even If your mom thinks therapy is for "crazy people", people's views often change when it has something to do with their child. If you are 18, you can seek therapy on your own. Unfortunately if you are under 18 it can be hard, I always suggest seeking out school therapists but depending on the therapist they may tell your parents, especially if you are self harming.
Share with your mom, please. My son never shared his feelings with me because he was afraid to appear weak or a "sissy", as he calls it. His depression and anxiety made him take drugs to escape the darkness but he ended up in real hell, in prison. He is only 23. Please know that you are loved and please find the strength to tell your parents.

I'm really sorry about your son. I've been feeling way better these past couple weeks, so I'm praying I just had a rough time. If it comes back Ill try to get help. Thanks for the response.