Why?.........just why?...: Why is it... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Why?.........just why?...

3 Replies

Why is it that when good things happen for Jerry, Doris decides to "F" it up the next day.

It's like questions became her Kryptonite!!!!

Either she's playing dumb AND just REALLY GOOD AT IT....or she's just THAT dumb+evil=THE UNGRATEFUL SHE DEVIL!!

Dude really tries and tries and tries....but she REALLY DOESN'T LIKE feeling like she's being put into a corner with just one question.

Here's what happened, I live in their basement apartment or garden apartment to make it sound nicer. And "their bedroom" is just above the entrance to my apartment....let's just say that I can hear EVERYTHING. Funny thing is, is that they never really keep anything private from me...as much as I try to avoid their personal issues and the emotional battles they go through with me trying to deal with my own depression, I somehow manage to get pulled back into it.

So it's the morning, Jerry pays me a visit and invites me up for a cup, she's smiling heading towards the bathroom to brush her teeth and he's noticed my semi confused/didn't get much sleep facial expression. He like "Dude?", I'm like "Dude!"...he's like "Dude?", then I'm nodding my head and I'm like "Dude!", he's "Dude...are you sure?", I'm like "Dude......!(holding my coffee cup up letting em know that I wanna enjoy my coffee)"..then he's like "Okay dude......" Christ Almighty! it was just too weird. By this time he's still clueless and has no idea what so ever that I was home early last night (close to 11pm cause I was dropping my son off at the ex wife's house).....and HEARD EVERYTHING....

Skipping forward, Doris comes out and spills out all the juice and my eyes go from squint to this 👉🏽"👀".

During those 2 minutes of listening to how she's describing her thoughts and feelings on how great they both performed, I was nodding my head and said to myself "So this is what eternity feels like....."

And then I asked; "So, what was different this time?" While smiling she froze and it was like she heard & understood me but like she was waiting for her mind to catch up. She says "Huh?" I'm like nothing, nevermind.

Story goes that they're going through a bad patch in their relationship (a BIG ONE) and Jerry has wondered why aren't they as affectionate & intimately sexual like they were when they first started and her responses/excuses were as predictable and catchy like the theme song to the opening of a TV show; "It's late, and I don't wanna be late to work again" "I'm tired, need to catch up on my sleep can we try in the morning?" "I'm sore from working out". And all of the above has never stopped them before. But I suppose these days it's just about time huh? Suddenly last night knowing that they both had to be at work early this morning of course it just happens. And I'm asking "What changed?" "What was so different about last night that she's decided to finally go for it?" Her attitude completely changed because she saw Jerry's face with wondering like whoa, wait a sec...breakthrough...she had this don't know what you mean notion on her face and in her words.

She gets dressed and leaves for work.

Jerry wanted his moment to be about love and finally getting it all back and Doris was just in it for a fix. Her actions spelled it out for him.

I'll have an update on this later this afternoon, meanwhile;......your thoughts?

3 Replies
jewlz17 profile image

One. You need to invest in ear plugs

Two he needs to finally leave her because he deserves so much better. It's plan to see his just being used. But that's just my view.

Three. Eventho you should stay out of it his still your friend and he needs you so just be there when you know it's alright to say something but in the end it's his decision all you can do is be supportive eventho it's a weird situation since you live under them.

DragonTears profile image

Hey, Wow they sure have some issues....I can't even....just reading that is kinda exhausting. I really don't think they are fair on you to make you a part of that conversation. it really isn't your business (i mean that in a good way as in you should not have to be involved) You should not have to be the adjudicator in their relationship. That way they are offloading on you because they just can't deal. I mean, do you know them from the past, like are they family friends or something or are you literally just renting their apartment? it sounds like you need to draw a line here as you have your own issues to deal with and really don't need their drama. This is your home, your sanctuary, your safe place and this seems to ruin that. They have to respect you as a tenant and not treat you as their personal therapist. You are being polite, I get it, but it sounds like you have to draw a line to save your own sanity here.

I hope you find a way to find a balance between having your own space that they respect and still have a civil relationship with these guys.

Big Hugs Xx

I would move asap. x

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