I just want to curl up and go to sleep. For everything to just end and be peaceful.
Just want everything to go away - Anxiety and Depre...
Just want everything to go away

I know!. We all want that too. I don't get it often but sometimes I do, for a day. It's usually Saturdays for me. What do you need to do to make that happen?
I've got sleeping tablets and I'm drinking hoping they help

Nope. For a day without having to worry about anything. I can disregard everything for one day and fix it so nothing will change. I've thought about the other, so many of us have, but it never seems to work out quite right. A day of absolutely no worries is the best I can do, and it's great. Anything more and we should talk further. Should we talk further? We're here for that too.

Are you in the UK?
Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90 (UK - local rate)
Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 91 92 (UK minicom)
Hotline: 1850 60 90 90 (ROI - local rate)
Hotline: 1850 60 90 91 (ROI minicom)
Website: samaritans.org
E-mail Helpline: jo@samaritans.org
24 Hour service:

Please do. You know that bad day you're having? Imagine mine if I don't hear from you later. CALL. It can't hurt and it would sure ease my mind. I think it would do us both some good.
Sorry I don't want you to worry I'll be fine. Thank you for the numbers
Will you call?
I rang them she was nice they're ringing back in a couple of hours to check on me. Thank you for the prompt to call them
Hi Sarah! I'm so glad you joined us! 😊 Please stay with us. I've been having a hard time the past couple of days too. I was feeling hopeless again so I turned to this site. Your story reminded me of me. Your willingness to call for help, just helped me! Thank you ❤ I hope you're feeling better!

Ended up spending the night in hospital, although I don't really have a memory of it, but have now been let out for good ebhaviour!! Thank you so much for prompting me to phone the Samaritans you really did make a difference xxxxx
Your life is worth something! Just keep breathing. Stay alive. That's all you have to do in this world right now. Stay alive and keep breathing.
That was smart and brave Sarah. Thank you for letting me know. We are all so glad you're here! How are you?
I'm feeling much better. I stupidly had been drinking and I don't normally drink so it didn't do me much good at all. Taken a few days off work and spoke with the home treatment team yesterday. I think it was just a blip because of the alcohol and having been in a low mood for a couple of weeks. Hope you are having a good week too x
Blip or not, better safe than sorry. There was at least something going on. I'm sure it helped a lot of people here (myself included) to see in real time that it makes sense to get help even if you're not quite sure. I am impressed. You took some time off, you followed up, you really did everything exactly right. I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm getting on day by day. How are you now?
Thank you that makes me feel better for having posted, I normally don't when I'm bad. I'm back at work trying to sort out all the deadlines I missed last week (big step spent the first two days back ignoring the fact I'd missed them!). Once I catch them up I think I will feel even better.
Managing day by day is a good plan and most of the time all we can do. Keep going things will get better xx